theorems in Germany

theorems [θiərəmz] Lehrsätze

Sentence patterns related to "theorems"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "theorems" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "theorems", or refer to the context using the word "theorems" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Computers have been used to prove mathematical theorems.

2. In proof theory, proofs and theorems are also mathematical objects.

3. This article focuses on prime ideal theorems from order theory.

4. Defined, an Axiomatic system is a set of axioms used to derive theorems

5. Analytica is an automatic theorem prover for theorems in elementary analysis

6. Related theory: definitions and rules, proof of algebraic formulas and theorems.

Intervalsverfahren. Bestimmungen, Formulierungen, Regeln und algebraische Formeln mit Beweisen.

7. It was established above that the Ehrenfest theorems are consequences of the Schrödinger equation.

8. Mathematically, Corollary of theorems are used as the secondary proof for a complicated theorem

9. Finally, prime ideal theorems do also exist for other (not order-theoretical) abstract algebras.

10. Basic concepts, Conjectures, and theorems found in typical geometry texts are introduced, explained, and investigated

11. Probabilistic proof, like proof by construction, is one of many ways to show existence theorems.

12. Furthermore, we survey separation theorems for Biconvex functions which are mostly applied in probability theory.

13. Gives many equivalent statements for the BPI, including prime ideal theorems for other algebraic structures.

14. Fundamental Content of the similarity theory contains definition, theorems, type and methods of similitude.

15. Theorems of abstract algebra are powerful because they are general; they govern many systems.

16. He has established classic theorems concerning Cohen-Macaulay rings, invariant theory and homological algebra.

Er bewies wichtige Sätze über Cohen-Macaulay-Ringe, Invariantentheorie und homologische Algebra.

17. Generally, the technological or scientific advances in this area produce new theorems and algorithms.

18. He also proved several theorems concerning convergence of sequences of measurable and holomorphic functions.

19. Before the Disquisitiones was published, number theory consisted of a collection of isolated theorems and conjectures.

20. We prove charactarization theorems of a few algebraic structures with the help of their Annulets

21. This paper provides some theorems of the alternative for non-linear functions (sublinearconvex) between topological vector spaces.

Diese Arbeit gibt einige Alternativsätze für nichtlineare (sublinear-konvexe) Funktionen zwischen topologischen Vektorräumen.

22. They also used them to obtain proofs for fundamental theorems of each class of algebraic structures.

Sie setzten sie ein, um die jeweiligen Hauptsätze der algebraischen Strukturklassen zu beweisen.

23. Kasparov’s Bivariant K-theory is used to prove two theorems concerning the Novikov higher signature conjecture

24. The formulation of such equations is based upon theorems regarding scalarvalued and tensor-valued tensor functions.

Bei der Aufstellung von Stoffgleichungen werden Darstellungstheoreme von Tensorfunktionen zugrunde gelegt.

25. From a relatively short list of Axioms, deductive logic is used to prove other statements, called theorems or propositions

26. Continuity is an important concept in calculus because many important theorems of calculus require Continuity to be true

27. How do we prove triangles Congruent? Theorems and Postulates: ASA, SAS, SSS & Hypotenuse Leg Preparing for Proof

28. In addition, Kotschick proved further theorems about the structure of the space of the Chern numbers of smooth complex-projective manifolds.

Darüber hinaus bewies Kotschick weitere Sätze über die Struktur des Raums der Chern-Zahlen glatter komplex-projektiver Mannigfaltigkeiten.

29. The third approach, used in this video, is to use algebra and trigonometric limit theorems to evaluate limits Analytically…

30. Weak prime ideal theorems state that every non-trivial algebra of a certain class has at least one prime ideal.

31. Analytic geometry made great progress and succeeded in replacing theorems of classical geometry with computations via invariants of transformation groups.

Die analytische Geometrie hatte große Fortschritte gemacht und konnte erfolgreich Sätze der klassischen Geometrie durch Rechnungen über Invarianten von Transformationsgruppen ersetzen.

32. 11 Many mathematicians simply set nettlesome questions like these aside and get back to the more pleasant business of proving theorems.

33. The paper gives several theorems for derivate of the function with finite limit at the infinite point and its strict proof.

34. This theorem and two additional fixed point theorems will be applied to linear and nonlinear algebraic equations and to nonlinear integral equations.

Dieser Satz und zwei weitere Fixpunktsätze werden angewandt auf lineare und nichtlineare algebraische Gleichungen sowie auf nichtlineare Integralgleichungen.

35. As with The Cattle Problem, The Method of Mechanical Theorems was written in the form of a letter to Eratosthenes in Alexandria.

36. Axiomatical consisting of a set of axioms from which theorems are derived by transformation rules Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © Explanation of axiomatic

37. Based on the above theorems, a new top-down algorithm for physical topology discovery is proposed, which can construct the whole topology utilizing the AFTs.

38. This result can be used to prove the completeness theorems of first order logic system and the universal refutation method proposed by us.

39. Hotz. Two new theorems on factorization of arbitrary transformations into embeddings and reductions and on product constructions involving non-lengthpreserving homomorphisms are derived.

Hotz angeregten Fragen der Verwandtschaft von Grammatiken auf.

40. He later changed his mind and submitted a thesis in 1926, titled Some theorems about integral solutions to certain algebraic equations and inequalities.

41. Those are only a few of the areas in which microeconomic theorems, methods and language have helped to achieve new and interesting results.

42. The ideal convexity of functionals is introduced and studied in this paper, four relation theorems between convexity and ideal convexity and an important counterexample are obtained.

43. As nouns the difference between Conjecture and theorem is that Conjecture is (formal) a statement or an idea which is unproven, but is thought to be true; a while theorem is (mathematics) a mathematical statement of some importance that has been proven to be true minor theorems are often called propositions'' theorems which are not very interesting in

44. Axiomatical consisting of a set of axioms from which theorems are derived by transformation rules Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © Explanation of Axiomatical

45. In Euclid's Elements, the first 28 propositions and Proposition I.31 avoid using the parallel postulate, and therefore are valid theorems in absolute geometry.

In Euklids Elementen werden die ersten 28 Sätze ohne das Parallelenaxiom bewiesen und zählen somit zur absoluten Geometrie im engeren Sinn.

46. Each cardinal number is some Aleph (a consequence of the axiom of choice).However, many theorems about Alephs are demonstrated without recourse to the axiom of choice.

47. Axioma m (plural Axiomas) axiom (a truth based on an assumption) (mathematics) axiom (a fundamental assumption that serves as a basis for theorems) Related terms

48. However , the reader should realize that all properties of real numbers that are to be accepted as theorems must be deducible froom the axioms without any reference to geometry.

49. A specific aim of the RWHG project was to find a classification of algebraic structures that is defined by an analogue of the central limit theorems.

Ein spezifisches Ziel des RWHG-Projekts lautete, eine Klassifizierung der algebraischen Strukturen zu finden, die durch ein Analogon zum Theorem des zentralen Grenzwertsatzes definiert wird.

50. In this paper,[] the existence and uniqueness theorems of solution of a class Non-monotonic parametric stochastic operator equation with piecewise contraction property is discussed.