technical school in Germany

technical school [tekniklsʃuːl] Technikum

Sentence patterns related to "technical school"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "technical school" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "technical school", or refer to the context using the word "technical school" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Tingmei is a student at a girls’ technical school.

2. In 1915 he went to the Imperial Moscow Technical School (today known as BMSTU).

3. Then in 1956, he became a teacher of the No. 1 Ordnance Technical School.

4. For managers of audiovisual, graphics, and other more technical activities, postsecondary technical school training is preferred.

5. Aircrew Candidates are guaranteed Aircrew training, class "A" technical school, and Fleet Replacement Squadron training

6. Apex is an adult vocational technical school in New York City located in Long Island City, Queens

7. Bulawayo Polytechnic College - Bulawayo Polytechnic is an academic institution established in 1927 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, initially as a technical school.

8. In 1951, Popovich graduated as a construction engineer from a technical school in Magnitogorsk, as well as receiving a pilot's degree.

9. The Bernardo Technical School in England manufactured a model made of hardwood and covered in imitation alligator skin that was used extensively.

10. Masuda attended the Japan Electronics College, a technical school in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where he studied computer graphics and the C programming language using a DEC Professional.

11. Comprehensive school, in England, secondary school offering the curricula of a grammar school, a technical school, and a secondary modern school, with no division into separate compartments