take great pains over in Germany

take great pains over [teikgreitpeinzouvər] viel Fleiß verwenden auf

Sentence patterns related to "take great pains over"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "take great pains over" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "take great pains over", or refer to the context using the word "take great pains over" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They are take great pains for the every minutia.

2. You take delight in my pains.

3. Lazy folks take the most pains. 

4. 2 Lazy folks take the most pains. 

5. Lazy folks [people] take the most pains. 

6. 25 She takes great pains with her work.

7. Successful are those who are willing to take pains.

8. 1 Lazy folks [people] take the most pains. 

9. 18 I had taken great pains with my appearance.

10. Neglecting our spiritual health may lead to great pains

11. We must take pains to do meticulous work among the masses.

12. Idle people [folks] have the most labour [take the most pains]. 

13. As a result, I stabbed myself all over with many pains.

14. 13 He went to great pains to show how horrifying the war was.

15. 26 Idle people [folks] have the most labour [take the most pains]. 

16. If you take this medicine, all your aches and pains will fall away.

17. They take pains to put the Bible’s teachings to work in their lives.

18. If you value your trees, you will take pains to master this art.

19. How do those pursuing wealth ‘stab themselves all over with many pains’?

20. If you want to succeed in the work, you must take pains about it.

21. 2 They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.

22. 14 They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.

23. 12 They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well.

24. Take great care to accompany these people and help them on their way. You should also take pains to accustom Christian communities to accepting catechumens or those who have regained their faith, and support them after their Baptism.

Macht es euch zur Aufgabe, sie zu begleiten und ihnen Orientierung zu geben, und bemüht euch um eine immer größere Sensibilisierung der christlichen Gemeinschaften für die brüderliche Aufnahme der Katechumenen und der Menschen, die wieder zum Glauben zurückgefunden haben, wie auch um ihre Unterstützung nach dem Empfang des Taufsakraments.

25. With 3600 employees take pains , DaimlerChrysler achieved revenues of EUR 6 billion ( $ 8 billion ) in 200