tackled in Germany

tackled [tækld] angepackt, löste

Sentence patterns related to "tackled"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tackled" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tackled", or refer to the context using the word "tackled" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. We tackled a hearty dinner.

2. I tackled the Blighter squarely.

3. He tackled the thief fearlessly.

4. He rugby tackled her and stole her bag.

5. Base Erosion and Profit Shiftingmust be effectively tackled.

6. Three appliances and a hydraulic platform tackled the blaze.

7. Firefighters from three counties tackled a warehouse blaze.

8. I tackled him and put him on the ground.

9. He tackled the problem in a typically haphazard manner.

10. The drugs problem has to be tackled head-on.

11. 1 But the composition of the lexis is not tackled.

12. Some problems cannot be tackled solely on one's own.

13. The exceedingly stout lady indignantly tackled a bus inspector.

14. The problems must be tackled by dint of education.

15. Other speakers tackled the same problem in a lighter vein.

16. 6 The runner was tackled at the line of scrimmage.

17. He tackled the knotty problem without recourse to any help.

18. I tackled him about how anyone could live amidst so much poverty.

19. The robber tried to run away but a man tackled him.

20. The security issues tackled by the Firearms Directive are of cross-border nature.

Die in der Feuerwaffen-Richtlinie behandelten Sicherheitsfragen haben grenzüberschreitenden Charakter.

21. Companies have tackled cost reduction from a "largest spend first" philosophy.

22. He was stabbed when he tackled an intruder armed with a knife.

23. Spurred by the profit motive, the shops tackled problems with a vengeance.

24. A football player is Accustomed to getting tackled and tackling other people

25. The problem of illegal abortion in Paraguay was tackled from a prevention perspective.

26. Ally Zeifman tackled the subject of relative poverty through an audio interview.

27. He claims Pasolini overtook and tackled him, pushing him into the dirt.

28. The future of Autonomous driving is something that can’t be tackled without collaboration

29. Some oldmen hid in the bushes and tackled the newmen as a prank.

30. After the Standing Committee had been set up, the problems of virtual advertising were tackled.

31. With sharp eyes and keen sensibility, she has uncompromisingly tackled the hot issues in China.

32. Artemisia Gentileschi was an Italian female post-Renaissance artist who tackled challenging themes

33. Synonyms for Attempted include tried, assayed, endeavored, endeavoured, undertaken, ventured, initiated, tackled, begun and started

34. The side-effects of radiation are tackled from a different angle by the PERFECT project.

Das Projekt PERFECT dagegen widmet sich den Nebenwirkungen von Strahlung aus einem anderen Blickwinkel.

35. Individual agencies have also tackled improving quality through training schemes, improvement grants and marketing.

36. Organised crime is actively tackled for the first time since the inception of the CVM.

Erstmals seit Einführung des Kooperations- und Kontrollverfahrens wird aktiv gegen die organisierte Kriminalität vorgegangen.

37. What specific tasks do you believe need to be tackled to create a smoother operation?

38. First of all, all noise pollution, including pollution generated by aircraft, must be tackled at source.

Zunächst muß an der Quelle jedweder Lärmbelästigung, also auch der von Flugzeugen ausgehenden, angesetzt werden.

39. The problem of business managers pursuing their own ends while shareholders foot the bill is tackled head-on.

40. Pimple Popper tackled a pesky Blackhead that grew into a very large problem on a woman’s earlobe

41. These challenges need to be tackled as soon as possible in order to accelerate Smart Grid deployment.

Diese Herausforderungen müssen so bald wie möglich angegangen werden, um die Realisierung intelligenter Netze zu beschleunigen.

42. About 15 firefighters tackled the blaze in a silo at I'Anson's mill in Masham in the Dales.

43. Working in groups of three we tackled about ten titrations each in three hours with a break for lunch.

44. Synonyms for Brazened out include confronted, faced, challenged, defied, braved, tackled, withstood, met, Brazened and stood up to

45. Kitchen fire: Firemen tackled a fire in the Albany Court old people's sheltered housing complex in Hartlepool.

46. But modern products go beyond shampoos and conditioners - new hair problems can be tackled like skin care.

47. He was discovering that there are some problems in life, which, unless tackled head on, Corrode the soul

48. The city also tackled air pollution by restricting the use of cars in the centre of the city.

49. Grappling with the many varied problems of the nineteenth century, it tackled innumerable tasks and faced innumerable obstacles.

50. Geriatric day hospitals, despite having a considerable minority of dementia sufferers have not in general tackled the issue of integration.