surest in Germany

surest [ʃeərist] sicherste

Sentence patterns related to "surest"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "surest" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "surest", or refer to the context using the word "surest" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The surest way to be happy is to be busy. 

2. Reducing pesticide use is the surest way of keeping stocks of obsolete pesticides from accumulating.

3. The surest way to accelerate China's digital rise is a transatlantic falling out over relatively small issues.

4. Such a close personal relationship with Jehovah is the surest protection against any form of corruption.

5. His leap from collector to seller may be the surest sign yet that road-map collecting has come of age.

6. From Adolescence onward, however, the surest clue to personality is the hierarchy of interests, including the loves and loyalties of adult life

7. The surest way to make your child throw increasingly louder tantrums is by giving him attention the first time he throws a fit.

8. Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. Dale Carnegie 

9. For he recognized that it was our system of free unhampered elections which was the surest guaranty of popular Government.

10. He continued to stare at M. Riviere perplexedly, wondering how to tell him that his very superiorities and advantages would be the surest hindrance to success.

11. “The late renowned Gustavus, king of Sweden, would pray Ashipboard, ashore, in the field, in the midst of the battle; as if prayer alone were the surest piece of his whole armour.” (Trapp) b

12. The Begrudgers ' wish to "always keep a-hold of nurse, for fear of finding something worse" is the surest way of preventing us from growing up and of reducing whatever small influence we have in these islands.

13. Not Brazened-it-out, or wrapped-himself-in-pridefulness (the surest sign of struggle), simply free, by what conjunction of insight or ignorance I am still at a loss to imagine, from the universal misery of fitting-in - the-body

14. "The late renowned Gustavus, king of Sweden, would pray Ashipboard, ashore, in the field, in the midst of the battle; as if prayer alone were the surest piece of his whole armour." (Trapp) b.

15. The Begrudgers ' wish to "always keep a-hold of nurse, for fear of finding something worse" is the surest way of preventing us from growing up and of reducing whatever small influence we have in these islands.

16. ‘Europe's Cartelized airline industry’ ‘Symeonidis finds that industries without cartels have much higher advertising expenditures than Cartelized industries.’ ‘As public choice economists have shown, government regulation is often the surest means to cartelize an industry, and that almost always benefits the dominant player.’

17. ‘Europe's Cartelized airline industry’ ‘Symeonidis finds that industries without cartels have much higher advertising expenditures than Cartelized industries.’ ‘As public choice economists have shown, government regulation is often the surest means to cartelize an industry, and that almost always benefits the dominant player.’

18. ‘As public choice economists have shown, government regulation is often the surest means to Cartelize an industry, and that almost always benefits the dominant player.’ ‘This would Cartelize American industry and increase profits.’ ‘He argues that the NRA cannot assist recovery but rather will only Cartelize industry.’

19. We strive for a Corruptible crown, thinking that this, after all, is the surest discipline for the crown that is inCorruptible. THE SECRET GLORY ARTHUR MACHEN Secondly, because the House of Commons, as it is the most powerful, is the most Corruptible part of the whole Constitution

20. “The late renowned Gustavus, king of Sweden, would pray Ashipboard, ashore, in the field, in the midst of the battle; as if prayer alone were the surest piece of his whole armour.” (Trapp) Are You not God in heaven, and do You not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations : Jehoshaphat began his great prayer by recognizing the power of