supplanted in Germany

supplanted [səplɑːntid] verdrängte

Sentence patterns related to "supplanted"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "supplanted" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "supplanted", or refer to the context using the word "supplanted" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 9 He may be supplanted by a younger man.

2. Soon, though, Greece was supplanted as the world power.

3. That it decries, will be supplanted by the divine Apprizement

4. Manufactured, aluminum, wedge-shaped artificial Chockstones supplanted the nuts in the ‘60s

5. Spiritual Afflatus took over from direct experience; inspiration was supplanted by ambition

6. In the mid-late 18th century, Rococo was largely supplanted by the Neoclassic style.

7. The solitary Anchorite was soon supplanted by the cœnobitic establishment, the monastery

8. It has now supplanted Isa Town in regard to population density ranking.

9. Autogiros proved too expensive and mechanically complex and were supplanted by conventional light aircraft

10. The Scriptural Lord's Supper had been supplanted by the idolatrous sacrifice of the mass.

11. 9 The Scriptural Lord's Supper had been supplanted by the idolatrous sacrifice of the mass.

12. To complicate matters, these organizations adopted many of the trappings of the Scout organizations they supplanted.

13. “The Nativity gradually absorbed or supplanted all other solstice rites,” says the Encyclopedia of Religion.

14. This was supplanted in the early 20 th century by the liquid - filled magnetic compass.

15. Feudal society replaced slavery society, capitalism supplanted feudalism , and, after a, socialism will necessarily supercede capitalism.

16. Thus, for years the word frisée supplanted the prosaic-sounding Chicory on U.S

17. Initially an elitist pastime, during the following decades association football supplanted rugby as Belgium's most popular football sport.

18. The Celsius ( aka or Centigrade) scale of temperature has now more or less supplanted the Fahrenheit scale.

19. 12 Feudal society replaced slavery society, capitalism supplanted feudalism , and, after a, socialism will necessarily supercede capitalism.

20. Modern antibiotics have supplanted sulfanilamide on the battlefield; however, sulfanilamide remains in use today, primarily for treatment of vaginal yeast infections.

21. Tallulah Bankhead and Joan Bennett were widely considered to be the most likely choices until they were supplanted by Paulette Goddard.

22. 1 History 1.1 Early years 1.2 Trojan War 2 Links and References 2.1 Discover and Discuss 2.2 Footnotes Aegisthus murdered Atreus, king of Mycenae, and supplanted him as king

23. However, due to the low sensitivity of duct Brushings, and the potential morbidity associated with ERCP, endoscopic ultrasound-(where available)-has largely supplanted ERCP in the diagnosis of this malignancy

24. Then along came Google, the world got more interconnected, tourism to “Krakow” shot up, and before you knew it, the “Krakow” had supplanted “Cracow” as the most common version.

25. Uses In the past, arsenic compounds have been used as medicines, including Arsphenamine and neosalvasan which were indicated for syphilis and trypanosomiasis but have now been supplanted by modern antibiotics

26. Agricultural free trade changed the Italian landscape, and by the 1st century BC, vast grape and olive estates had supplanted the yeoman farmers, who were unable to match the imported grain price.

27. For chemical research, Curium-242 (163-day half-life) has been supplanted by Curium-244 (18.1-year half-life) and the still longer-lived isotope Curium-248, which are built up from plutonium-239 by neutron irradiation.

28. Whereas many have gained the McCarthy surname by the aforementioned means, others have lost it through the use of Agnomens to distinguish one McCarthy family from another and which subsquently supplanted the McCarthy name altogether.

29. Since then, dietary practices have been shifting towards Western and Japanese patterns, with fat intake rising from about 6% to 27% of total caloric intake and the sweet potato being supplanted with rice and bread.

30. It comes from Latin, where it means, literally, let him beware. Caveat did not originally mean a qualification, condition, or limitation, but this newer sense is well-established, even if it hasn’t fully supplanted the older one.

31. Despite critiques such as these, and the related view that "modern economics" moved beyond Robbins as Aggregative mathematical model-building supplanted methodological individualism in all but a few corners of consumer choice theory, Robbins's definition remained the standard one of undergraduate introductory textbooks until fairly recently.

32. Anthropology, Zoology. belonging or pertaining to the group of primates characterized by a relatively flat face, dry nose, small immobile ears, and forward-facing eyes, comprising New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and apes, including humans: these primates were formerly classified into their own suborder, Anthropoidea, which has been supplanted by the more inclusive suborder …