sulphonamides in Germany

sulphonamides [sʌlfɔnəmaidz] schwefelhaltige Droge

Sentence patterns related to "sulphonamides"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sulphonamides" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sulphonamides", or refer to the context using the word "sulphonamides" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The column is treated with ammonia vapour and the sulphonamides are then eluted with methanol.

Die Säule wird mit Ammoniakdämpfen behandelt und die Sulfonamide werden anschliessend mit Methanol eluiert.

2. Use of 1-Anilino-8-napthalenesulphonate as an ion probe for the potentiometric study of the binding of sulphonamides to bovine serum albumin and plasma

3. phenylbutazone, azapropazon and oxyfenbutazone insulin and oral antidiabetic products metformin salicylates and p-amino-salicylic acid anabolic steroids and male sex hormones chloramphenicol coumarin anticoagulants fenfluramine fibrates ACE inhibitors fluoxetine allopurinol sympatholytics cyclo-, tro-and iphosphamides sulphinpyrazone certain long-acting sulphonamides tetracyclines MAO-inhibitors quinolone antibiotics probenecid miconazol pentoxyfylline (high dose parenteral) tritoqualine fluconazole

Phenylbutazon, Azapropazon und Oxyphenbutazon Insulin und orale Antidiabetika Metformin Salicylate und p-Amino-Salicylsäure anabole Steroide und männliche Sexualhormone Chloramphenicol Cumarin-Antikoagulantien Fenfluramin Fibrate ACE-Hemmer Fluoxetin Allopurinol Sympatholytika Cyclo-, Tro-und Iphosphamid Sulfinpyrazon bestimmte langwirksame Sulfonamide Tetracycline MAO-Hemmer Chinolon-Antibiotika Probenecid Miconazol Pentoxifyllin (hochdosiert parenteral) Tritoqualin Fluconazol