sucrose in Germany

sucrose [sʌkrous] Rohrzucke

Sentence patterns related to "sucrose"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sucrose" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sucrose", or refer to the context using the word "sucrose" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Gingerbread and the like, containing by weight 30 % or more of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose)

Leb- und Honigkuchen und ähnliche Waren, mit einem Gehalt an Saccharose (einschließlich Invertzucker als Saccharose berechnet) von 30 GHT oder mehr

2. Baryta Carbonica 30C, lactose, sucrose.

3. Gingerbread and the like, containing by weight 50 % or more of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose)

Leb- und Honigkuchen und ähnliche Waren, mit einem Gehalt an Saccharose (einschließlich Invertzucker als Saccharose berechnet) von 50 GHT oder mehr

4. In Angelica dahurica's root, the content of sucrose is highest, secondly fructosan, then fructose, and the content of sucrose is lowest.

5. Sucrose, invert sugar and/or isoglucose

Saccharose, Invertzucker und/oder Isoglucose

6. It is somewhat more slowly absorbed than sucrose, which makes it somewhat more suitable for people with diabetes than sucrose.

7. Dinitrophenol, when applied to the leaf, reduced sucrose transport.

8. The activity of invertase is negatively correlated with sucrose content and the correlation between phosphorylase activity and sucrose content is positive.

9. While sucrose, glucose, and fructose remain constant during kinetics in non-Bacterized plantlets, a moderate decrease in sucrose content was observed at 72 h in Bacterized plantlets

10. Sucrose draws water out of the egg by osmosis.

11. Refractometer having a graduated scale showing percentages by mass of sucrose

Refraktometer mit einer nach Gewichtsprozent Zucker geteilten Skala

12. He named the enzyme that brought about the fermentation of sucrose "zymase".

13. Astable Anemohypostasis Creation - 6308 was available upon Sucrose 's release.

14. Control subjects experienced the critical cues but not the sucrose.

15. Energy content of 100 grams of sucrose is 400 kilocalories.

16. [Solution] A sugar composition characterized by containing sucrose and D-psicose, crystals of the sucrose being coated with the D-psicose in either a crystalline or amorphous state.

17. Acetobacter diazotrophicus, carbon–nitrogen metabolism, extracellular saccharolytic activity, sucrose–succinate uptake.

18. Eighteen hours later Blastemas were harvested, fixed for 1–2 hr in 4% PFA and then taken through a sucrose gradient to 30% sucrose in 1× PBS

19. A good example is a sugar Crystal, which contains sucrose molecules

20. — — — — — Containing eggs or egg yolks and/or sugar (sucrose or invert sugar)

— — — — — Ei oder Eigelb und/oder Zucker (Saccharose oder Invertzucker) enthaltend

21. The average human detection threshold for sucrose is 10 millimoles per liter.

22. — a sucrose content undetectable by a method of analysis to be defined,

— einen Saccharosegehalt, der so niedrig ist, dass er mit einer noch festzulegenden Analysemethode nicht nachgewiesen werden kann,

23. Content not less than 40 % and not more than 60 % of sucrose fatty acid esters

zwischen 40 % und 60 % an Zuckerestern von Fettsäuren

24. In the presence of each they received an infusion of a sucrose solution.

25. Acid production from sucrose occurred with approximately 40% of the fungi from both soils (Table 6).

Säurebildung war bei etwa 40% aller Pilze nachweisbar (Tab.6).

26. After sucrose density-gradient ultracentrifugation the macromolecular amylase was recovered with 7-S globulins.

Bei Ultrazentrifugation im Sucrosegradienten sedimentierte der Enzymkomplex im 7-S-Bereich.

27. On hydrolysis, sucrose will yield 1 molecule of glucose and I molecule of fructose.

28. Another applicable technique is cofractionation in sucrose (or other material) gradients using isopycnic centrifugation.

29. Compressible sucrose is very soluble in water, non-hygroscopic, non-reactive with other tablet ingredients

30. Cariogenic Potential Simple sugars like sucrose, fructose, lactose, galactose, and glucose foster colonization and growth of bacteria linked to caries, particularly Streptococcus mutans. 2 Studies indicate that subjects placed on high-sucrose diets exhibit increased S

31. The sweetner prepared by adding palatinose to sucrose is a low-Cariogenic since palatinose is not only low Cariogenic in itself, but also inhibits the formation of insoluble glucan from sucrose in an oral cavity

32. Compressible sugar is Compressible sucrose that can be used in tablet-making in the pharmaceutical industry

33. Refractometer, having a graduated scale showing the percentage by mass of sucrose and accurate to 0,1 %.

Refraktometer, dessen Skala nach Gewichtsprozent Zucker geteilt ist, mit einem Skalenwert von 0,1 %.

34. The cells can be de-fimbriated by sonication, high-speed agitation, or centrifugation through a 40% sucrose solution.

35. Half-capsules were cultured in an agar medium with Murashige and Skoog inorganic salts and sucrose.

36. Afferent activity of the rhinophore nerve in Aplysia californica was recorded using the sucrose gap technique.

37. Remove large debris and disperse the cells in the sucrose by gently stirring with the needle.

38. There were trace amounts of sucrose and a spec of dirt the killer dragged in here on his boot.

39. Compressible sucrose is Compressible sugar that can be used in tablet making in the pharmaceutical industry

40. Cold storage of chicory roots causes breakdown of fructosans and accumulation of sucrose, glucose, and fructose.

41. sucrose or invert sugar syrups which are at least 70 % pure and are produced from sugar beet,

Sirupe aus Saccharose oder aus Invertzucker, die eine Reinheit von mindestens 70 % aufweisen und aus Zuckerrüben hergestellt sind,

42. Absorption rates were less than half those observed in vivo, probably because of the viscosity of the sucrose solutions.

43. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener (nonnutritive sweetener) that is roughly 200 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar)

44. Therefore cell coats system needed to be filled with glucose and sucrose in time of acid degradation.

45. The single exchange rate between mineral and active organic phases can be measured without addition of sucrose to the substrate.

46. Syn7942 is a freshwater Cyanobacterium synthesizing sucrose as the only compatible solute for adaption to salt stress

47. Medical diagnostic apparatus for use in determining mal-absorption of lactose and sucrose in the human body

Medizinische Diagnoseapparate zur Ermittlung von Laktose- und Saccharose-Malabsorption im menschlichen Körper

48. — sucrose or invert sugar syrups which are at least 75 % pure and are produced from sugar cane.

— Sirupen aus Saccharose oder aus Invertzucker, die eine Reinheit von mindestens 75 % aufweisen und aus Zuckerrohr hergestellt sind.

49. Granulated sugar is 99.9%-pure sucrose, which means that it has equal ratio of fructose to glucose.

50. (i) sucrose or invert sugar syrups which are at least 70 % pure and are produced from sugar beet,

i) Sirupe aus Saccharose oder aus Invertzucker, die eine Reinheit von mindestens 70 % aufweisen und aus Zuckerrüben hergestellt sind,