stymied in Germany

stymied [staimid] hinderte

Sentence patterns related to "stymied"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stymied" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stymied", or refer to the context using the word "stymied" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Investigators have been stymied by uncooperative witnesses.

2. Supply Bottlenecks leave ships stranded, businesses stymied

3. Financial difficulties have stymied the company's growth.

4. He found himself stymied by an old opponent.

5. I was completely stymied by her refusal to help.

6. Rather, we are stymied by our lack of political consensus.

7. So the Republican sneak-it-through strategy is mostly stymied.

8. The investigation has been stymied by witnesses who refuse to cooperate.

9. (The Rationalization of Terrorism) Therefore, as an effective instrument against terrorism, the UN is stymied.

10. Her normal progress is stymied by her continued dependence on the ventilator.

11. He typified a decade in which financial machinations stymied long-term corporate growth.

12. In our search for evidence, we were stymied by the absence of any recent documents.

13. Companies have been stymied by the length of time it takes to reach an agreement.

14. Since then the economic recovery in the US has been stymied by a dysfunctional political system.

15. By the late 17th century, Russia’s growth was stymied by its lack of access to the sea.

16. Gao Yang twisted himself around the tree just in time to see Gao Ma stymied by the obstacle.

17. "Because…" Kirk stopped, his train of thought suddenly stymied by the idea Blossoming in his mind.

18. The rational application of pesticides is stymied by ignorance of how pest attack at different stages of crop development affects yield.

19. It’s clear that automation is the next giant leap for manufacturing, but its deployment has been stymied for the somewhat ironic reason that automation itself isn’t Automated.

20. And as they stood there staring at each other, stymied, in the sunshine filtering down between the tall Parisian buildings, they heard the lively Clopping of horseshoes and the creaking of large wooden wheels.