strutted in Germany

strutted [strʌtid] stolzierte, versteifte, verstrebte

Sentence patterns related to "strutted"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "strutted" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "strutted", or refer to the context using the word "strutted" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. She strutted past us, ignoring our greeting.

2. He strutted ahead lashing his machete about.

3. Stately emus strutted across a dusty paddock in the distance.

4. They strutted fearlessly about with their lustrous eyes flashing defiance.

5. A pigeon strutted along the roof, cooing rhythmically.

6. A pigeon strutted along the roof, cooing rhythmically.

7. 4 He strutted up and down before the manager.

8. 9 I strutted around Chicago as if I were really somebody.

9. He strutted into the circle with his gun in his hand.

Er stolzierte in unsere Runde, mit dem Gewehr in der Hand.

10. He strutted about with the woman at his side, looking the picture of a freighter captain.

11. Arjuna Ranatunga was a dictatorial leader, who strutted around the field with Napoleonic arrogance.

12. The rival male, meanwhile, strutted around the deserted lady partridge in ill-disguised triumph.

13. Backed by Suzi, who did most of the energetic stuff, Ingrid strutted and flounced and flung her hair about.

14. Twain first tried dictating into Thomas Edison's new recording machine but didn't like it — he was a man who strutted stages all over the world, delivering extemporaneous spiels.

15. Ortega spent large sums of money, and strutted around like a "macho rooster", as if the election were already won; he even used a fighting rooster as the symbol of his campaign.