stocks in Germany

stocks [stɔks] Bestände

Sentence patterns related to "stocks"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stocks" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stocks", or refer to the context using the word "stocks" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Cyclical stocks are almost always consumer stocks

2. (c) Stocks

c) Lagerbestände

3. (b) Stocks

b) Lagerbestände

4. Trading in stocks, commodities, term business, administration of assets, account services (financial), stocks, loans and storage of stocks

Handel mit Aktien, Handelswaren, Termingeschäften, Vermögensverwaltung, Kontoführung, Aktien, Kredite und Aktienaufbewahrung

5. Opportunities are in Cyclical stocks and small- and mid-cap stocks

6. 3 . Income Stocks

7. The stock/consumption ratio embraces all stocks including the accumulated surplus stocks.

Das Verhältnis zwischen Beständen und Verbrauch berücksichtigt die in den vergangenen Jahren aufgelaufenen Überhänge und auch den angestiegenen allgemeinen Bedarf.

8. (b) Carbon stocks assessment

9. $ 250 million in stocks.

10. Construction stocks are dependent on the same macroeconomic shifts as other Cyclical stocks

11. (b) Strategic deployment stocks.


13. But industrial stocks generally underperformed the market, and many cyclical stocks posted negative returns.

14. Stocks, shares, preference stocks or shares, participation certificates or similar documents, denote ownership of equity.

Aktien, Kapitalanteile, Vorzugsaktien, Beteiligungen und ähnliche Dokumente bezeichnen den Besitz von Dividendenwerten.

15. VHS stocks Borsalino felts, panama …

16. Stocks represent real-world accumulations.

17. Stocks, shares, preference stocks or shares, participation certificates or similar documents, denote ownership of equity

18. Stocks, shares, preference stocks or shares, participation certificates or similar documents denote ownership of equity.

Aktien, Kapitalanteile, Vorzugsaktien, Beteiligungen und ähnliche Dokumente bezeichnen den Besitz von Dividendenwerten.

19. Stocks, shares, preference stocks or shares, participation certificates or similar documents denote ownership of equity

Aktien, Kapitalanteile, Vorzugsaktien, Beteiligungen und ähnliche Dokumente bezeichnen den Besitz von Dividendenwerten

20. Soaps, stocks, vegetable-oil, Acidulated

21. Preferred stocks, bonds, mutual funds.

Die besten Aktien, Anleihen und Fonds.

22. Cartouches for all Military Stocks

23. But the stocks never rebounded.

24. Stocks generally outperform other investments.

25. Rotation of strategic deployment stocks

26. Stocks, securities, tax-free municipals.

27. · Use of stocks of alternative fuels (e.g. in line with 90 days of oil stocks obligation)

· Nutzung der Speicherbestände alternativer Brennstoffe (d. h. entsprechend der Verpflichtung, Ölvorräte für 90 Tage vorzuhalten)

28. Growing concerns about profit margins sent technology stocks sharply lower, overshadowing modest gains for blue-chip stocks.

29. Maintenance of adequate levels of stocks.

Aufrechterhaltung angemessener Vorräte

30. He invested his money in stocks.

31. That category of stocks consists of stocks which are data rich, analytically assessed and with trend forecasts.

Diese Kategorie umfasst Bestände, für die reichhaltige Daten, analytische Bewertungen und Trendprognosen vorliegen.

32. Average Producer Price* $/t 573 $/lb 0.260 PINTO Carry-in Stocks Production Total Supply Use Carry-out Stocks

33. Why Invest In Consumer Cyclical Stocks

34. Commissions: US Exchange-Listed Stocks / ETFs

35. Size classes of sheep stocks held

Größenklassen des Schafbestands

36. Japanese stocks had a mixed day .

37. Technical Analysis Of Stocks And Commodities.

38. 21 Growing concerns about profit margins sent technology stocks sharply lower, overshadowing modest gains for blue-chip stocks.

39. Blue chip stocks are the stocks of well-known, high-quality companies that are leaders in their industries

40. 4 Growth stocks and speculative stocks tend to reinvest their profits rather than pay them out to shareholders.

41. 1. States in whose rivers anadromous stocks originate shall have the primary interest in and responsibility for such stocks.

(1) Staaten, aus deren Flüssen anadrome Bestände stammen, haben das vorrangige Interesse an diesen Beständen und sind für sie in erster Linie verantwortlich.

42. Besully World ending stocks are way up

43. Benchmark for Bout IBD BREAKOUT STOCKS INDEX

44. Flexibility in the management of certain stocks

Flexibilität bei der Bewirtschaftung bestimmter Bestände

45. I think they're called blue-chip stocks?

46. Market Breadth divides the number of stocks that have experienced gains by the number of stocks that have experienced losses

47. Find the best Bioplastic Stocks to buy

48. But rich people didn't buy penny stocks.

49. Are sneakers more like stocks or drugs?

50. 15 Unlicensed fishermen have plundered tuna stocks.