spotlessness in Germany

spotlessness [spɔtləsnəs] Makellosigkeit

Sentence patterns related to "spotlessness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spotlessness" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spotlessness", or refer to the context using the word "spotlessness" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Antonyms for Bawdry include cleanliness, purity, sterility, immaculateness, immaculacy, whiteness, asepsis, freshness, cleanness and spotlessness

2. Cleanness - the state of being clean; without dirt or other impurities sanitary condition - the state of sanitation (clean or dirty) immaculateness , spotlessness - the state of being spotlessly clean

3. In this situation, it is precisely the ambiguity of the intelligence services, publicly demonstrating their spotlessness while at the same time through their secret operations hinting at a second, more violent and cruel truth, which is fascinating and makes them the bearer of hope for a stable social order.

Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es gerade die Ambivalenz der Geheimdienste — ihr nach auβen hin vermittelter Eindruck der Makellosigkeit, während ihren verborgenen Aktionen gleichzeitig der Ruch einer zweiten, einer grausamen und gewaltsamen Wahrheit anhaftet —, die fasziniert und sie zu Hoffnungsträgern einer stabilen sozialen Ordnung werden lässt.