spillways in Germany

spillways [spilweiz] Überläufe

Sentence patterns related to "spillways"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spillways" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spillways", or refer to the context using the word "spillways" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. And the spillways open.

Der Überlauf geht auf.

2. - improvements to pretreatment systems and spillways,

- Anpassung von Überläufen und Vorreinigung,

3. Spillways, coping, not of metal, for swimming pools

Überläufe, Einfassungen (nicht aus Metall) für Schwimmbecken

4. Key words: bottom aeration devices, aerators, spillways, air entrainment, detrainment.

5. Key words: stepped chutes, inclined step, energy dissipation, skimming flow, spillways.

6. where applicable, overflow channels and spillways are kept clean and free

etwaige Überlaufkanäle und-rinnen sauber und frei gehalten werden

7. injuries caused by intense flow and constructions of overflow in spillways

Verletzungen aufgrund von starken Strömungen und Bauten in Überläufen;

8. (b) where applicable, overflow channels and spillways are kept clean and free.

b) etwaige Überlaufkanäle und -wege sauber und frei gehalten werden.

9. where applicable, overflow channels and spillways are kept clean and free.

etwaige Überlaufkanäle und ‐rinnen sauber und frei gehalten werden.

10. Key words: spillways, plunge pools, jet aeration, diffusion coefficient, buoyancy coefficient, hydrodynamic forces.

11. This can include a tailings dam (impoundment and pond), decant structures and spillways.

12. Construction of spillways on clay shale in Western Canada has resulted in some serious heave problems.

13. The 1983 damage, also due to cavitation, led to the installation of aerators in the spillways.

14. Aeration devices are introduced along chute spillways and at bottom outlets to prevent cavitation damage in high velocity flows.

15. Vicksburg is the last major city before the flow of the river meets the spillways where it's diverted into the Atchafalaya River and adjoining swamplands.

16. This paper addresses, on the basis of a review of the literature, a method for preventing or reducing cavitation damage on spillways through the use of spillway aerators.

17. While the ability of induced or forced aeration to reduce or eliminate cavitation has been known for many years, it is only in relatively recent times that the aeration mechanism has been used to this advantage on spillways subject to high velocity flow.

18. This paper presents a review of recent developments for the design of stepped spillways, provides a discussion of the effects of air entrainment, and presents new calculation methods that take into account the effects of flow aeration on the flow characteristics and the rate of energy dissipation.

19. * The NE after a detailed analysis of a data base of about 13000 dams from the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)'s World Register of Dams to analyse the type of spillway, gated or ungated, and a historical review of construction of large orifice outlets as well as a consideration of ICOLD guidelines, held that the site conditions at Baglihar require a gated spillway, and also held that in view of the high flood discharges and heavy silt loads, India's design of gated spillways – both chute (surface) spillway and sluice spillways, as well as the number, size and location of their gates for the Baglihar dam complies with the design criteria set out in Annexure D of the Indus Waters Treaty.

20. The determination upheld India's design flood value of 16,500 cumec against Pakistan's calculations of 14,900 cumec; upheld India's design of gated spillways; provided for freeboard of 3 metres as against 4.5 metres designed by India and 0.84 m calculated by Pakistan; provided for a maximum pondage of 32.56 million cubic metres (MCM) as against 37.5 MCM calculated by India and 6.22 MCM calculated by Pakistan; fixed the intake level 3 metres higher than as designed by India; and provided for India to resort to drawing down of reservoir for its maintenance and sustainability during monsoon season each year.