speeded in Germany

speeded [spiːdid] beschleunigte, rasch fahren, raste

Sentence patterns related to "speeded"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "speeded" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "speeded", or refer to the context using the word "speeded" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I mean, is that speeded up?

2. Since the advent of jet aircraft(Sentencedict.com), travel has been speeded up.

3. The testing and Approval of new drugs will be speeded up

4. In spite of these achievements, progress in this field nevertheless should be speeded up.

Trotz dieser Fortschritte sollte der Rückgabeprozess weiter beschleunigt werden.

5. Synonyms for Coursed include ran, run, raced, flowed, gushed, rushed, streamed, cascaded, sped and speeded

6. In normal times my newfound prominence would almost surely have speeded my departure from government.

7. The greatest portion of this topsoil loss was speeded up by human activities.

8. Synonyms for Barrelled include rushed, dashed, raced, hurried, sped, speeded, ran, run, flew and flown

9. We created an online system of control and so speeded up all the processes.

10. The European space agency (ESA) has launched a project to test whether technological advances can be speeded up.

Die Europäische Weltraumorganisation (ESA) hat ein Projekt aufgelegt, das prüfen soll, ob sich technologische Fortschritte beschleunigen lassen können.

11. After riots in the Congo in 1959, the scheduled gradual transition to independence was speeded up dramatically.

12. Accordingly, it is now conceded that his feeding habits actually speeded recovery of the deteriorated pasture grounds.

13. How can the admissions process for international students be speeded up? < This is especially problematic at the graduate level.

14. an # tax speeded up the investment in abatement equipment, since the polluters could pay a reduced tax of # instead of # euro per kg

15. In any case market reviews need to be speeded-up and application of the transitional regime limited to a minimum in order to address outstanding issues.

Auf jeden Fall müssen Marktanalysen beschleunigt werden und die Anwendung des Übergangsregimes zur Behandlung offener Fragen auf ein Minimum begrenzt werden.

16. They will think that you really speeded up internet! Remember that this is a simulator and it does not work like a real Booster! Show More

17. If "this approach were to be speeded up", "BAWAG would coordinate an appropriate acceleration [of the deadline for implementation] and also act as the convening bank".

Sollte dabei "die Marschroute beschleunigt" werden, würde "die BAWAG eine entsprechende Vorverlegung [des Umsetzungstermins] koordinieren und auch als einladende Bank fungieren".

18. To strengthen bi-regional relations, including economic and trade relations, the negotiations on the association agreements with the Central American countries and the Andean Community must be speeded up.

Um die biregionalen Beziehungen, einschließlich der wirtschaftlichen und Handelsbeziehungen, zu stärken, gilt es, die Verhandlungen über die Partnerschaftsabkommen mit Mittelamerika und der Andengemeinschaft zu beschleunigen.

19. I would also like to call for the work on the draft directive on admission to be speeded up, along with the work on the directive regulating procedures for returning immigrants to their countries of origin.

Außerdem möchte ich darum bitten, dass die Arbeit am Entwurf der Richtlinie betreffend die Aufnahme zusammen mit der Arbeit an der Richtlinie zur Regelung von Verfahren für die Rückführung von Einwanderern in ihre Herkunftsländer beschleunigt wird.

20. "The overall Authorisation process for vehicles in Europe can last longer than two years, immobilising assets worth 1.2 billion euro that are waiting for Authorisation and cannot be put in service." They have called for negotiations on this technical issue to be speeded up so that it can be adopted under the current legislature, thereby effectively calling for the fourth railway package to