specially in Germany

specially [spəʃiɔːliː] besonders

Sentence patterns related to "specially"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "specially" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "specially", or refer to the context using the word "specially" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. a. Electronic equipment specially designed for military use and specially designed components therefor;

a) Elektronische Ausrüstung, besonders konstruiert für militärische Zwecke, und besonders konstruierte Bestandteile hierfür,

2. Specially if they mumble.

3. Specially reporting to you.

4. Aero-engines specially designed or modified for military use, and specially designed components therefor;

Triebwerke, besonders konstruiert oder geändert für militärische Zwecke, und besonders konstruierte Bestandteile hierfür;

5. Aero-engines specially designed or modified for military use, and specially designed components therefor.

Triebwerke, besonders konstruiert oder geändert für militärische Zwecke, und besonders konstruierte Bestandteile hierfür;

6. Hydrotreaters specially designed for desulphurisation of gasoline, diesel cuts and kerosene and specially designed components therefore.

Wasserstoffbehandler, besonders konstruiert zur Entschwefelung von Benzin, Dieselschnitten und Kerosin, sowie besonders konstruierte Bestandteile hierfür.

7. 10.3. Aero-engines specially designed or modified for military use, and specially designed components therefor;

8. Using a specially - made stylus.

9. He specially liked the pie.

10. We came specially to see you.

11. a: All airborne radar equipment and specially designed components therefor, not including radars specially designed for meteorological use ”

a: Das gesamte Luftfahrzeug- bzw. Bordradar und hierfür speziell entwickelte Bauteile ohne speziell für Wetterbeobachtungen entwickelte Radaranlagen "

12. e. Airborne refuelling equipment specially designed or modified for any of the following, and specially designed components therefor:

e) Einrichtungen für Luftbetankung, besonders konstruiert oder geändert für eine der folgenden Kategorien, und besonders konstruierte Bestandteile hierfür:

13. Imaging or countermeasure equipment, as follows, specially designed for military use, and specially designed components and accessories therefor

14. Air independent propulsion (AIP) engines and fuel cells specially designed for underwater vehicles, and specially designed components therefor.

Außenluftunabhängige Antriebssysteme und Brennstoffzellen, die speziell für Unterwasserfahrzeuge entworfen wurden, und speziell dafür ausgelegte Bauelemente.

15. Many Conduits are specially approved, e.g

16. This is a specially good wine.

17. This is aged wine specially brewed

18. Specially precipitated silicic acids for rubber applications

Speziell gefällte kieselsäuren für gummianwendungen

19. I came here specially to see you.

20. Plant specially designed for the fabrication of "nuclear reactor" fuel elements and specially designed or prepared equipment therefor.

Anlagen, besonders konstruiert für die Herstellung von „Kernreaktor“-Brennelementen, und besonders konstruierte oder hergerichtete Ausrüstung hierfür.

21. Nowadays specially-produced plaster plates are used.

22. Pressure sensors specially made for Cryogenic environments

23. Navigation equipment specially designed for ‘submersible vehicles’;

Navigationsausrüstung, besonders konstruiert für „Tauchfahrzeuge“

24. The ring was specially made for her.

25. Luggage specially adapted for use on motorcycles

Speziell zur Verwendung auf Motorrädern entwickelte Gepäckbehältnisse

26. Specially - trained dogs can smell out drugs.

27. The carpet was specially woven to Commemorate

28. Digital demodulators specially designed for signals intelligence;

digitale Demodulatoren, besonders konstruiert für die Fernmelde- oder elektronische Aufklärung;

29. Bags specially adapted for carrying sporting equipment

Tragetaschen für Sportausrüstung

30. I made this specially for your birthday.

31. The play was written specially for radio.

32. Many stores sell nestboxes specially designed for Bluebirds

33. Propulsion aero-engines and specially designed components therefor;

Triebwerke und besonders konstruierte Bestandteile hierfür;

34. Specially equipped troops are operating in the hills.

35. The music was specially composed for the film.

36. Accelerometers as follows and specially designed components therefor:

Beschleunigungsmesser wie folgt und besonders konstruierte Bestandteile hierfür:

37. My physician prepared this specially for you, sire

38. These areas have been specially designated for children.

39. The boats are specially built for the disabled.

40. These goats are specially bred for their wool.

41. Specially tailored Plan to suit your individual needs.

42. 10 What was specially enjoyable about that job?

43. I specially like her cheerfulness and good humor.

44. i. Digital demodulators specially designed for signals intelligence;

i. digitale Demodulatoren, besonders konstruiert für die Fernmelde- oder elektronische Aufklärung;

45. A specially assigned codename may follow the index.

46. Μy physician prepared this specially for you, sire.

47. It is especially/specially important to remember this.

48. Coffer: a specially reinforced container to keep valuables safe.

49. Previously, only specially selected could enter Admini at Rjukan

50. This is a store that caters specially to students.