sparkled in Germany

sparkled [spɑːkld] funkelte, gefunkelt

Sentence patterns related to "sparkled"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sparkled" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sparkled", or refer to the context using the word "sparkled" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The musical performance sparkled.

2. The place sparkled with cleanliness.

3. The crystal chandelier sparkled.

4. Her eyes sparkled with amusement.

5. The ballet sparkled with vitality.

6. Her eyes sparkled with merriment.

7. Her jewellery sparkled in the candlelight.

8. The sea rippled and sparkled.

9. The stars flashed and sparkled as once they had flashed and sparkled on the hilt of the great sword.

10. 14 Her eyes sparkled merrily.

11. The sky sparkled with brilliant stars.

12. 7 The ballet sparkled with vitality.

13. 19 The flames leaped and sparkled.

14. 6 She sparkled with cheerfulness and good humour.

15. Her diamonds sparkled in the candle-light.

16. The water sparkled in the bright sunlight.

17. The river sparkled placidly in the sun.

18. 24 Pearls of dew sparkled on the grass.

19. 22 The water sparkled in the bright sunlight.

20. The warm winter sun sparkled in a cloudless sky.

21. Behind him the river sparkled placidly in the sun.

22. While her eyes glazed with panic, his sparkled ironically.

23. Her shoulders were graced with mink and her fingers sparkled with diamonds.

24. Her conversation sparkled with her own subtle blend of wit and charm.

25. Her white hair was her crown, and her pure eyes sparkled like jewels.

26. 29 Her conversation sparkled with her own subtle blend of wit and charm.

27. If the post - match repartee sparkled, it was more than could be said for the game itself.

28. His eyes sparkled, and he sent up a great blue triumphant cloud from his cigarette.

29. Below us sparkled the Garbh Uisge, bouncing noisily down from the melting snows over jumbled slabs.

30. The jewels sparkled in the candlelight and the guests gasped at the sheer magnificence of the piece.

31. 15 His eyes sparkled with delight as her mannerisms and voice reminded him of just how attractive he found Englishwomen.

32. 30 It sparkled throughout with some graceful playing by the soloist plus great elegance and finesse from the woodwind.

33. His eyes sparkled with delight as her mannerisms and voice reminded him of just how attractive he found Englishwomen.

34. He could see it on the river, off to his left. At this moment the poor filthy river sparkled.

35. 30 A moth glanced off the edge of the windshield, and in the sunset the dust its wings left sparkled like mascara.

36. She shone like the sun, sparkled like frazil ice, adorned with seaside agates all her creations, her conversations, her outpourings.

37. Diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires as well as a mixture of semi-precious stones glinted and sparkled at her from all directions.

38. The wet grass glittered and near-by a nut-tree sparkled iridescent, winking and gleaming as its branches moved in the light wind.

39. 20 The wet grass glittered and near-by a nut-tree sparkled iridescent, winking and gleaming as its branches moved in the light wind.

40. The water sparkled on our paddles as we dipped them into the clear water, and the sun shone warmly while we moved smoothly across the lake.

41. Coruscate - reflect brightly; "Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside" sparkle , scintillate shine , reflect - be bright by reflecting or casting light; "Drive carefully--the wet road reflects"

42. The Times described the tour as being "full of theatrical artifice, but based on the rock-solid foundation of 's sensational singing voice and a personality that sparkled like a rough diamond".

43. In the 1970s, a number of cosmetic companies introduced lipsticks in more unusual colors such as iridescent light blue (Kanebo), frosted lime green (Conga Lime by Revlon), and silver sparkled navy blue (Metallic Grandma by Biba).

44. Boyle observed him well, and soon discovering the helmet and shield of Phalaris his friend, both which he had lately with his own hands new polished and gilt, rage sparkled in his eyes, and, leaving his pursuit after Wotton, he furiously rushed on against this new Approacher

45. It had, indeed, a very cheery aspect, the walls being overspread with a kind of stucco, in which fragments of broken glass were plentifully intermixed; so that, when the sunshine fell Aslantwise over the front of the edifice, it glittered and sparkled as if diamonds had been flung against it by the double handful.

46. Here, in the transept and choir, where the service was being held, one was Conscious every moment of an increasing brightness; colours glowing vividly beneath the circular chandeliers, and the rows of small lights on the choristers' desks flashed and sparkled in front of the boys' faces, deep linen collars, and red neckbands.

47. It had, indeed, a very cheery aspect, the walls being overspread with a kind of stucco, in which fragments of broken glass were plentifully intermixed; so that, when the sunshine fell Aslantwise over the front of the edifice, it glittered and sparkled as if diamonds had been flung against it by the double handful.

48. Lovecraft) “And now, when Danforth and I saw the freshly glistening and reflectively iridescent black slime which clung thickly to those headless bodies and stank obscenely with that new unknown odor whose cause only a diseased fancy could envisage – clung to those bodies and sparkled less voluminously on a smooth part of Accursedly re

49. He pulled in magic from the ground itself, pulling it up through the blood-stained ground; he pulled it from the Clareted sky; he pulled it from his Dragonlord powers, soaking it in until his very aura glowed gold and flecks of it sparkled in the air, so very out of place in the red world.