sovereignties in Germany

sovereignties [sɔvriːintiz] Staatshoheite

Sentence patterns related to "sovereignties"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sovereignties" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sovereignties", or refer to the context using the word "sovereignties" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The problem here is there's three sovereignties involved.

2. Satan has sovereignties and powers and so forth working for him as well.

3. Synonyms for Autonomies include independences, sovereignties, freedoms, self-rule, independencies, liberties, autarchies, individualisms, rangatiratanga and self

4. They desperately hope that such united action will rescue the crumbling “civilization” upon which those sovereignties are founded.

5. 28 To the formation of a league, such as was the confederation,[] the state sovereignties were certainly competent.

6. He knew that they would turn to creating a man-made organization for ensuring and preserving world peace and security so that their selfish interest would be preserved and they would be able to maintain their various human sovereignties over the distinct nations.

Er wußte, daß sie aus eigener Kraft eine Organisation zur Erhaltung des Weltfriedens und der Sicherheit schaffen würden, durch die ihre eigennützigen Interessen geschützt würden und ihnen ihre Machtbefugnisse über die verschiedenen Nationen erhalten blieben.

7. While the Attorney General is charged with combating extremism and “calls to unsanctioned rallies,” it turns out that Roskomnadzor identified “The Parade of Sovereignties 2.0” on its own, acting on broad advice from prosecutors to ban any media content about “rallies in favor of federalization.”