sleeping sickness in Germany

sleeping sickness [sliːpiŋsiknəs] Schlafkrankheit

Sentence patterns related to "sleeping sickness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sleeping sickness" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sleeping sickness", or refer to the context using the word "sleeping sickness" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. "African Sleeping Sickness".

Die „Schlafkrankheit“ Narkolepsie.

2. * Sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis)

3. Resurgence of Sleeping Sickness

4. Tsetse flies transmit sleeping sickness

5. Trypanosomiasis, human African (sleeping sickness)

6. African Trypanosomiasis or Sleeping Sickness

7. African Trypanosomiasis, African Sleeping Sickness CHARACTERISTICS:

8. African sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis and Chagas disease.

9. Sleeping sickness - Vector: Tsetse fly, not all species.

10. 71 Human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness): epidemiological update

11. 297 African trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness – fact-sheet

12. Immunodiagnosis of African Sleeping Sickness (Kenya) All Basic Detail

13. African trypanosomiasis is also known as African sleeping sickness.

14. Less well known are Chagas disease, sleeping sickness and leishmaniasis.

Weniger geläufig sind die Chagas-Krankheit, die Schlafkrankheit, die Leishmaniose.

15. Immunodiagnosis of African Sleeping Sickness (Kenya) Responsible Officer Panduka Wijeyaratne Name:

16. The zooflagellate Trypanosoma gambiense is responsible for the african sleeping sickness.

17. cAMP-ing with sleeping sickness – potential drug target and mode of resistance

cAMP-Proteine bei der Schlafkrankheit – potenzielle therapeutische Zielstruktur und Arten der Resistenzbildung

18. Committee A: Control of African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness); Smallpox eradication; Polio eradication

19. The annual burden of sleeping sickness is estimated at 2 million DALYs.

20. A Portuguese man was diagnosed three years ago with C.N.S.-affected sleeping sickness.

21. Sleeping sickness is more prevalent in three historical regions of Central African Republic.

22. In developing countries, millions suffer from malaria, sleeping sickness, bilharzia, and other diseases.

23. It is the treatment of choice for sleeping sickness without central nervous system involvement.

24. Groups at risk of human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) are being treated with ivermectin.

25. For sleeping sickness it is used together with eflornithine in nifurtimox-eflornithine combination treatment.

26. Groups at risk of human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) are being treated with ivermectin

27. Human African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, is a vector-borne parasitic disease.

28. whereas the diagnosis and treatment of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) or sleeping sickness is difficult

in der Erwägung, dass Diagnose und Behandlung der afrikanischen Trypanosomiase (Human African Trypanosomiasis, HAT) oder Schlafkrankheit schwierig sind

29. African trypanosomiasis, better known by the name sleeping sickness, is a good example of this.

30. This is the basis for the use of some antifungals against West African sleeping sickness.

31. In the early part of this century, outbreaks of sleeping sickness ravaged the African continent.

Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts wütete auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent immer wieder die Schlafkrankheit.

32. Tropical diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and sleeping sickness claim millions of victims every year.

Tropische Krankheiten wie die Malaria, die Tuberkulose und die Schlafkrankheit fordern jedes Jahr Millionen Opfer.

33. SEE Physical Activity Active Transportation Adult Health African Trypanosomiasis or Sleeping Sickness Aging and Seniors, Division of

34. Trypanosomiasis, also known as African sleeping sickness, is a fatal infection caused by the parasite Trypanosoma brucei.

Die Trypanosomiasis, auch bekannt als afrikanische Schlafkrankheit, ist eine tödliche Infektionskrankheit, die durch den Parasiten Trypanosoma brucei übertragen wird.

35. Cancer, heart trouble, cirrhosis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, malaria, sleeping sickness, snail fever, leprosy —all rage on unabated.

Krankheiten wie Krebs, Herzleiden, Zirrhose, Zuckerkrankheit, multiple Sklerose, Malaria, Schlafkrankheit, Bilharziose und Lepra grassieren unvermindert.

36. 22 One of these , the plasmodium,[] causes malaria. Other protozoa cause sleeping sickness and amebic dysentery.

37. Africa defeating sleeping sickness, Kenyan research gets financial boost, African leaders plan alliance for malaria control, and more.

38. He ultimately hopes to identify and test peptides to treat humans, stopping the spread of African sleeping sickness.

39. Between 1911 and 1914 Christy worked for the Belgian government in the Belgian Congo, mostly studying sleeping sickness.

Zwischen 1911 und 1914 arbeitete er für die belgische Regierung in Belgisch Kongo und erforschte die Schlafkrankheit.

40. Sustained efforts by a network of African countries have reduced the incidence of African sleeping sickness by 90%.

41. West African sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma gambiense) ends up in encephalitis, the East African form (T. rhodesiense) in a polyserositis.

Die westafrikanische Schlafkrankheit (Trypanosoma gambiense) endet in einer Enzephalitis, die ostafrikanische (T. rhodesiense) in einer Polyserositis.

42. The sleeping sickness epidemic in Africa was arrested due to mobile teams systematically screening millions of people at risk.

43. NEW HAVEN – Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) – also known as sleeping sickness – has long plagued rural sub-Saharan African populations.

NEW HAVEN – Die Afrikanische Trypanosomiasis – auch als Schlafkrankheit bekannt – ist seit langem eine Geißel der Menschen in Afrika südlich der Sahara.

44. Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), also known as sleeping sickness, is a lethal disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma brucei.

Die Schlafkrankheit (Human African trypanosomiasis, HAT) ist eine tödliche Krankheit, die durch den Parasiten Trypanosoma brucei ausgelöst wird.

45. “Researchers have warned that sleeping sickness has returned to alarming levels in parts of Africa,” reports the British Medical Journal.

46. Some 100 million Africans are afflicted with malaria, and about one fourth of the continent’s populace are afflicted with sleeping sickness.

Rund 100 Millionen Afrikaner leiden an Malaria, und etwa ein Viertel der gesamten Bevölkerung dieses Kontinents hat die Schlafkrankheit.

47. So you're treating her for African sleeping sickness... because you don't think it's possible for someone to be faithful in a relationship?

Du behandelst sie also auf afrikanische Schlafkrankheit, weil du es nicht für möglich hältst, dass man in einer Beziehung fremdgeht?

48. We still have the problem of explaining how a white chick from Jersey... who's never traveled south of D.C. has African sleeping sickness.

Wir haben immer noch die Frage, wieso eine weiße Tussi aus Jersey, die nie südlicher als bis D.C. gekommen ist, die afrikanische Schlafkrankheit hat.

49. Awakenings is the remarkable account of a group of patients who contracted sleeping-sickness during the great epidemic just after World War I

50. Leishmaniasis, African Sleeping Sickness and Chagas disease are just some of the infectious diseases currently affecting millions of people around the world, predominantly in developing countries.

Leishmaniose, die afrikanische Schlafkrankheit und die Chagas-Krankheit sind nur einige der Infektionskrankheiten, von denen derzeit Millionen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt betroffen sind, vorwiegend in Entwicklungsländern.