siphonal in Germany

siphonal [saifounəl] entleerend

Sentence patterns related to "siphonal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "siphonal" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "siphonal", or refer to the context using the word "siphonal" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Whelks are advanced prosobranch gastropod MOLLUSCS possessing a heavy, spindle-shaped shell with a siphonal groove.

2. The new species holds an intermediate position between the other species of this genus andVautrinia, a Maastrichtian radiolite of Syria. — Starting from the microstructure of the shell the function of primary and secondary pillars, oscules, folds of the valve brim, and of the «siphonal» bands S and E of Hippuritidae and Radiolitidae are discussed.

Letztere leitet morphologisch zur anscheinend nur im Maastricht Syriens vorkommendenVautriniaMilovanovič über. — Von der Feinstruktur der Schale ausgehend wird die funktionelle Bedeutung von primären und sekundären Pfeilern, Oscula, Gehäuserandfalten und der Bänder S und E («Siphonalbänder») der Hippuriten und Radioliten diskutiert.