signal distance in Germany

signal distance [signəldistəns] Hamming-Abstand

Sentence patterns related to "signal distance"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "signal distance" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "signal distance", or refer to the context using the word "signal distance" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. A digital signal processor calculates the distance.

Ein digitaler Signalprozessor berechnet daraus den Abstand.

2. Sensor arrangement with adjustment aid for determining a predefined distance between signal transmitter and signal receiver

Sensoranordnung mit einstellhilfe zur festlegung eines vorgegebenen abstands zwischen signalgeber und signalaufnehmer

3. In the Soviet Union, ROs were used for signal compression in long-distance telephony.

4. The acoustic wave excites the surface and the sensor then detects the signal from an appropriate distance.

Die Schallwelle trifft auf die Oberfläche, danach empfängt der Sensor das Signal aus einem angemessenen Abstand.

5. The Vanguard satellite was thrown clear and landed on the ground a short distance away with its transmitters still sending out a beacon signal.

6. Aperiodic Signal Non-periodic Signal

7. Digital signal processing and analog signal processing a subset of signal processing.

8. But by adapting and improving the available equipment and adding a crude antenna of his own, Marconi managed to transmit a telegraphic signal a considerable distance.

Marconi schaffte es jedoch durch Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung der vorhandenen Geräte, die er durch eine selbstkonstruierte einfache Antenne ergänzte, ein telegrafisches Signal über eine beträchtliche Entfernung hinweg zu senden.

9. Distance/speed meter and distance/speed measurement method

10. A differential signal is formed between a first channel signal and a second channel signal of a PCM signal input.

11. The distance a radio wave travels in one second, in a vacuum, is 299,792,458 meters (983,571,056 ft) which is the wavelength of a 1 hertz radio signal.

12. Signal processing system and signal processing method

13. Distance exponent

14. The acoustic signal and the at least one refracted signal form a received signal.

15. A distance?

16. & Measure Distance

17. Analog and digital signal generators and signal sources

Analoge und digitale Signalgeneratoren und Signalquellen

18. When the analog signal converted into digital signal.

Sie wandeln das analoge Sprachsignal in ein Digitalsignal um.

19. Different detour lines are switched to the signal way. It is created therefore 16 different phase angles between 0° and 337.5° in steps with a distance of 22.5°.

Gezeigt wird ein 4-Bit-Schaltphasenschieber aus einem Radargerät, der verschiedene Umwegleitungen in den Signalweg schaltet und somit in 22,5° Schritten 16 verschiedene Phasenwinkel von 0° bis 337,5° realisieren kann.

20. Systems comprising sensing devices (SD), a signal combiner (SC), signal subtractors (SS), and signal multipliers (SM).

21. 7 synonyms for Aloofness: detachment, distance, remoteness, distance, standoffishness, withdrawnness, remoteness

22. Furthermore, the subtractor subtracts the feedback signal from the input signal and convey the output signal.

23. Go the distance.

24. ‘braking signal’ means a logic signal indicating brake activation.

„Bremssignal“ ein Schaltsignal, das die Bremsenbetätigung anzeigt.

25. Time diversity reception is applied to both the address signal and message signal constituting a call signal.