shot down in Germany

shot down [ʃɔtdaun] niedergeschosse

Sentence patterns related to "shot down"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shot down" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shot down", or refer to the context using the word "shot down" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Unfortunately, you were shot down anyway.

2. Indianapolis shot down one torpedo plane.

3. Five American aircraft were shot down.

4. I got shot down at fat camp.

5. To be shot down in cold blood.

6. None of the attacking aircraft were shot down.

7. The Vietnamese shot down two Thai military aircraft.

8. Indianapolis shot down six planes and damaged two others.

9. The old man you shot down in cold blood?

10. Has he admitted to ordering Jack Bauer's plane shot down?

11. Twenty-nine Axis aircraft were shot down during the battle.

12. The RAF lost 19 fighters and shot down 31 German aircraft.

13. Cole was captured after his plane was shot down outside Hanoi.

14. You prevented that flight from being shot down over Lian Yu.

15. He was wearing the tunic in which he had been shot down.

16. All the Attackers and their escorts were shot down by U.S. fighters.

17. From 1945 to 1948, at least four US aircraft were shot down.

18. Chief, we got unarmed civilians getting shot down here at nine o'clock.

19. In total, he completed 86 combat flights and shot down 11 German warplanes.

20. On 3 April, four Zeros attacked her formation, and all were shot down.

21. Three days later she shot down an A6M Zero attempting to crash her.

22. 7 Graf drove a forehand shot down the line to win the match.

23. Three other torpedo aircraft attacked the light carrier Princeton, but were shot down.

24. Well in a real war, you can't do that; you'll get shot down.

25. At least five of these aircraft were fired on, and three were shot down.

26. According to Turkish president Erdoğan, the SDF, and SOHR, the helicopter was shot down.

27. 14 A year later, in 19 his Spitfire had been shot down over Italy.

28. The Ulysses is shot down, and the player is dropped by accident onto Ragnarok.

29. Both sides in the battle made exaggerated claims of numbers of enemy aircraft shot down.

30. The Americans were shocked when six of their aircraft were shot down during the mission.

31. You know, I've flown over 194 missions, and I was shot down on every one.

32. Planes shot down , tanks destroyed , munitions exhausted , soldiers deserting , and land lost are rarely decisive .

33. He was shot down that day and was a prisoner of war until January 1973.

34. The destroyer shot down one attacking aircraft on 16 February and assisted with many others.

35. Twenty-four fighters from the task force intercepted and shot down all the Japanese aircraft.

36. In this aerial combat, he shot down four of the six planes and severely damaged another.

37. The Japanese aircraft that survived were met by other fighters, and 16 more were shot down.

38. It's rumoured they were shot down at high altitudes while they were penetrating Russian air space.

39. If you try to bring that plane any lower into civilian airspace, you will be shot down.

40. During the meeting, General Maxwell Taylor delivered the news that the U-2 had been shot down.

41. But on 27 October 1962, a U-2 plane was shot down over Cuba, deepening the crisis.

42. The lumbering Swordfish, caught from above, were shot down to the last plane in one swift attack.

43. In 1973 a Boeing 727-200 that was serving this flight was shot down by Israeli fighter jets.

44. The way he's going now, he's going to end up like his father, shot down for stealing cattle.

45. Though she came under six kamikaze attacks, the ship suffered no damage and shot down one enemy plane.

46. The Luftwaffe lost approximately 60 aircraft shot down over Yugoslavia, costing the lives of at least 70 aircrew.

47. A kind of toothache shot down my spine and into my right leg whenever I took a step.

48. 9 The lumbering Swordfish, caught from above, were shot down to the last plane in one swift attack.

49. Menges picked up 115 men, including two German fliers who were shot down either by Lansdale or Newell.

50. Nevertheless, the American fleet suffered no damage and claimed to have shot down 44 of the enemy planes.