shipowner in Germany

shipowner [ʃipounər] Reeder, Schiffseigne

Sentence patterns related to "shipowner"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shipowner" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shipowner", or refer to the context using the word "shipowner" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The main role of Crewing companies - is to provide manning services between the shipowner and the seafarer, and pays for these services primarily the shipowner

2. A certificate of the liability insurance of the sea shipowner includes:

Eine Bescheinigung über die Haftpflichtversicherung des Schiffseigentümers beinhaltet

3. Seamen/observers shall receive the normal seaman's rate of pay from the shipowner.

Der Seemann- Beobachter wird von dem Reeder im Rahmen der üblichen Normen als Seemann entlohnt.

4. - name and address of the shipowner or operator of the ship,

- Name und Anschrift des Eigners oder Betreibers des Schiffs,

5. * 11 However, the army officer listened to the pilot and the shipowner rather than to what Paul was saying.

6. In 1925 the ship was bought by a Glasgow shipowner who planned to convert her to a nautical museum.

7. Paul Cuffe, American shipowner, merchant, and Pan-Africanist who was an influential figure in the 19th-century movement to resettle free black Americans to Africa

8. Chartering is an agreement in which a shipowner agrees to rent out a ship to a cargo owner to move the cargo from Point A to Point B.

9. By Cowing the tanks, the amount of ROB is significantly reduced, and with the current high cost of oil, the financial savings are significant, both for the Charterer and the Shipowner

10. 78 Next, the applicant's assertion that point 2 of Addendum B to the contract was intended only to cover, up to the amount mentioned above, a claim for compensation from Consultban by the shipowner for non-performance of the contract of affreightment must be rejected.

78 Sodann ist die Behauptung der Klägerin zurückzuweisen, mit Nummer 2 des Anhangs B des Vertrages habe nur eine etwaige Schadensersatzforderung des Schiffsreeders gegen Consultban wegen Nichterfuellung des Frachtvertrags bis zur oben genannten Höhe abgedeckt werden sollen.

11. Nautical a triangular or swallow-tailed flag flown from the mast of a merchant ship for identification and from the mast of a yacht to indicate its owner's membership of a particular yacht club Word Origin for Burgee C18: perhaps from French (Jersey dialect) bourgeais shipowner, from Old French borgeis; see bourgeois 1, burgess