shearers in Germany

shearers [ʃiərəz] Schafschere

Sentence patterns related to "shearers"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shearers" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shearers", or refer to the context using the word "shearers" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The Shearers' strike of 1956 saw Queensland shearers off work between January and October in a dispute over wages.

2. Like a ewe that is silent before its shearers,

3. A number of sheep were held by one shepherd next to the shearers.

4. There were about twenty shearers per dang, each man shearing fifty to sixty sheep per day at a rupee per sheep.

5. Hoes, diggers, garden tools, shearers, pliers, clamps, chisels, scissors, knives, rakes, picks, hammers, hand drills, screwdrivers, axes, shovels, saws and saw blades, knives, abrading instruments

Hacken, Aushubmaschinen, Gartengeräte, Scheren (Blech-, Baum-, Gartenscheren), Zangen, Zwingen, Stemmeißel, Scheren, Messer, Rechen, Spitzhacken, Hämmer, Handbohrmaschinen, Schraubenzieher, Beile (Äxte), Schaufeln, Sägen und Sägeblätter, Messer, Schleifinstrumente