share capital in Germany

share capital [ʃɛərkæpitəl] Aktienkapital

Sentence patterns related to "share capital"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "share capital" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "share capital", or refer to the context using the word "share capital" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. – alterations to the articles of association and increases in share capital,

– Satzungsänderungen und Kapitalerhöhungen;

2. – alterations to the Articles of Association and increases in share capital,

– Satzungsänderungen und Kapitalerhöhungen,

3. The bank has a share capital of almost 100 million dollars.

4. (b) SIC-16 Share capital — reacquired own equity instruments (treasury shares); and

(b) SIC-16 Gezeichnetes Kapital — Rückgekaufte eigene Eigenkapitalinstrumente (eigene Anteile); und

5. Share: The aggregate of called up share capital and all reserves, excluding minority interests.

6. This represents a 63% share of the enlarged issued ordinary share capital of Stoddard.

7. (i) AFS had accumulated debts more than five times the size of its share capital.

i) Schulden in Höhe des Fünffachen seines Grundkapitals aufgehäuft hat.

8. The authorization of any change in share capital - rights issues, placements, scrip issues and repurchases.

9. The State would convert in advance the subordinated loan capital of DKK # million into share capital

Der Staat wandelt vor der Übertragung das nachrangige Darlehenskapital von # Mio. DKK in Aktienkapital um

10. Share capital in euros will have to be redenominated when altered as from 1 January 2002.

Januar 2002 in Euro ausgedrückt werden muss.

11. They have to inform the administrations of changes like the address, responsible persons, allotment of share capital etc.

12. 81 Share Capital Include the balances resulting from the issuance, redemption and acquisition of shares of each class.

13. The Hybrid Tier 1 security shall absorb losses after ordinary share capital (preference with respect to loss absorption).

Das hybride Tier-1-Wertpapier soll nach dem Stammaktienkapital (das in Bezug auf das Auffangen von Verlusten vorrangig ist) Verluste auffangen.

14. Incorporation may itself take several forms: public or private, limited or unlimited, and with or without a share capital.

15. The funds could be provided by you as a shareholder either as a loan or as further share capital.

16. Four Autonomous Communities have an almost symbolic share, which combined accounts for less than 1% of Tragsa’s share capital.

Vier Regionen verfügen über einen im Grunde nur symbolischen Anteil von zusammengenommen weniger als 1 % des Gesellschaftskapitals der TRAGSA.

17. It requests that an authority for market purchases should not normally exceed 10 percent of the company's issued ordinary share capital.

18. Limited liability companies and stock corporations are obliged to redenominate their share capital only on the occasion of any alteration to it.

GmbHs und Aktiengesellschaften sind nur bei Kapitaländerungen zur Umdenominierung ihres Aktienkapitals verpflichtet.

19. Types of takeover offer General offer A general offer is an offer for the entire issued equity share capital of a company.

20. The management costs are not taken into account for the purpose of calculating the use of the share capital when the operation is terminated.

Bei der Rechnungslegung über die Verwendung des Kapitals bleibt dieser Kostenanteil unberücksichtigt.

21. It refers to the senior debt which rank is ahead of ordinary share capital will enjoy the first repayment in the case of default.

22. Captiosus LIMITED is a Private limited with Share Capital company based in KEMP HOUSE 160 CITY ROAD, LONDON, United Kingdom, which employs 1 people

23. The ratio of long-term funds with a fixed interest charge, such as debentures , that comprise a company's capital to its ordinary share capital.

24. The Authorised capital of a company (sometimes referred to as the Authorised share capital, registered capital or nominal capital, particularly in the United States) is the maximum amount of share capital that the company is Authorised by its constitutional documents to issue (allocate) to shareholders.Part of the Authorised capital can (and frequently does) remain unissued.

25. Biocatalysts LIMITED is a Private limited with Share Capital company based in CEFN COED, PARC NANTGARW, CARDIFF PARC NANTGARW, United Kingdom, which employs 67 people

26. The Commission considers that, viewed from a risk analysis angle, the silent partnership contribution is, typologically speaking, a normal silent partnership contribution, and not share capital

Nach Auffassung der Kommission ist die Stille Einlage von der Risikoanalyse her typologisch eine normale Stille Einlage, kein Stammkapital

27. The Commission considers that, viewed from a risk analysis angle, the silent partnership contribution is, typologically speaking, a ‘normal’ silent partnership contribution, and not share capital.

Nach Auffassung der Kommission ist die Stille Einlage von der Risikoanalyse her typologisch eine „normale“ Stille Einlage, kein Stammkapital.

28. A limited Company encourages trade to the extent that in the event of insolvency the owners are liable only to the extent of their unpaid share capital

29. As it was felt that any issue at or above par value would be successful it would be necessary to reduce the nominal value of the share capital.

Da jede Ausgabe zum oder über dem Pariwert als Erfolg angesehen werde, gelte es, den Nominalwert des Aktienkapitals niedriger anzusetzen.

30. The fact that the applicant has a right of option to acquire 0.0005% of Essemar’s share capital cannot alter that conclusion, since the option in question was not exercised.

31. On 20 April 2012, the HFSF provided a letter committing to participate for an amount of up to EUR 1,9 billion in the planned share capital increase of Alpha Bank.

April 2012 gab der HFSF die Zusage, sich mit bis zu 1,9 Mrd. EUR an der geplanten Aufstockung des Aktienkapitals der Alpha Bank zu beteiligen.

32. It can be a limited or an unlimited Company, private or a public Company, Company limited by guarantee or a Company having a share capital, or a community interest Company

33. Beauteously LIMITED is a Private limited with Share Capital company based in 36 GLENGALL ROAD, SCHOLARS HOUSE, LONDON, United Kingdom The company started trading on the British market since 2018-09-05

34. Clondalkin Behavioural Initiative Ltd, trading as Archways, is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital, registered in Dublin, Ireland with registered office at 7/8 Oakfield Industrial Estate Clondalkin Dublin 22 Clondalkin Behavioural Initiative Ltd

35. Almagest SICAV plc is a Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) established as an umbrella collective investment scheme with variable share capital registered under the laws of Malta, approved and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) under the AIFMD.

36. At 31 December 2003, Cyprus Airways had an authorised capital of CYP 55,5 million (EUR 95 million) but by 31 December 2004 it had lost CYP 26,2 (EUR 44,8 million), close to 50 % of its share capital, in the previous 12 months.

CYP (95 Mio. EUR), doch zum 31. Dezember 2004 hatte die Gesellschaft 26,2 Mio. CYP (44,8 Mio. EUR) und damit fast 50 % ihres Aktienkapitals in den letzten 12 Monaten verloren.

37. They're bringing up some more Bavarians, we think." View in context Bavarian Nordic A/S (CPH:BAVA) (OTC:BVNRY), a biotechnology company focused on the development of innovative therapies against cancer and infectious diseases, reported on Thursday an increase in the company's share capital by nominally DKK685,000 as a result of employees

38. The case most nearly related to the present one is the Mylapore case,Where a mutual benefit society registered under the Companies’ Actshad its share capital subscribed entirely by its members by way ofperiodical payments, and the income of the fund was derived Chieflyfrom interest earned on overdue subscriptions or on loans given exclu

39. Constitutive Act means the Company’s Constitutive act, dated February 22, 2012, as such is in force and effect at the Signing Date; “Company’s Shares” means a total number of 200 shares, each with a nominal value of RON 100, and a total nominal value of RON 20,000, representing 100% of the Company’s share capital; “Encumbrance” means a mortgage, charge, lien, pledge, option

40. The Greek authorities take issue with the references by Aegean Airlines to the Olympic Airways Group, which in the view of the State is inaccurate as Olympic Airways Services does not participate in the share capital or in the management of Olympic Airlines, neither does it control the decisions of the latter’s General Meeting, nor does it have the authority to appoint members to its Board of Directors

Die Bezugnahme auf die Olympic Airways Group durch Aegean Airlines ist nach Auffassung der griechischen Behörden nicht korrekt, da Olympic Airways Services keine Anteile am Aktienkapital oder am Management von Olympic Airlines hat, keine Kontrolle über die Beschlüsse der Hauptversammlung dieses Unternehmens ausübt und auch nicht ermächtigt ist, Mitglieder für seinen Vorstand zu ernennen

41. 61 As regards the Arsenal institute, I would cite and apply to this case the analysis made by Advocate General Alber in his Opinion in RI.SAN., cited above, in which he states that: `even without a full knowledge of the internal organisation of GEPI SpA, it may be ... concluded from the fact that the Italian State holds 100% of its share capital that the company is part of the Italian State in that respect'. (26)

61 Was den Bieter Arsenal anbelangt, übertrage ich die Untersuchung von Generalanwalt Alber in seinen Schlussanträgen in der Rechtssache RI.SAN. auf den vorliegenden Fall. Danach lässt "[d]ie 100 %ige Beteiligung des italienischen Staates ... jedoch auch ohne die vollständige Kenntnis der inneren Organisation der [Gesellschaft] die Schlussfolgerung zu, dass [diese] insoweit einen Teil des italienischen Staates darstellt"(26).

42. Article 1(2) specifies the value to be attributed to each type of notarially attested act. Thus, for an act incorporating a company, amending the memorandum of association or dissolving the company, the value is equal to the company's capital (Article 1(2)(e)); for an increase in capital, whether or not the memorandum of association is amended, it is the amount of the increase (Article 1(2)(f)); and for increases in capital where a partial alteration has been made to clauses other than that directly affected by the increase, it is either the amount of the increase or the resulting amount of share capital, whichever entails a higher charge (Article 1(2)(g)).

Artikel 1 Absatz 2 der Gebührenordnung bestimmt dazu im einzelnen: Dieser Wert entspricht für die Gründung einer Gesellschaft, die Änderung des Gesellschaftsvertrags oder die Auflösung der Gesellschaft der Höhe des Kapitals (Artikel 1 Absatz 2 Buchstabe e), für die Erhöhung des Kapitals mit oder ohne Änderung des Gesellschaftsvertrags dem Betrag der Erhöhung (Artikel 1 Absatz 2 Buchstabe f) und für die Erhöhung des Kapitals, die mit einer teilweisen Änderung anderer als der von der Erhöhung unmittelbar betroffenen Klauseln verbunden ist, dem Betrag der Erhöhung oder dem der Änderung, je nachdem, welcher Betrag höhere Gebühren mit sich bringt (Artikel 1 Absatz 2 Buchstabe g).