set about in Germany

set about [setəbaut] hergemacht

Sentence patterns related to "set about"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "set about" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "set about", or refer to the context using the word "set about" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He set about raising an army.

2. I must set about my packing.

3. They set about disbanding the terrorist groups.

4. She immediately set about attacking the problem.

5. They set about him with their fists.

6. Taylor set about designing one for Midvale.

7. How did they set about this task?

8. He set about trying to expel me.

9. Her attacker set about her with a knife.

10. The new government set about dismantling their predecessors'legislation.

11. He set about the task with grim concentration.

12. when they set about choosing a new manager.

13. We need to set about finding a solution.

14. He set about the intruders with a stick.

15. Courageously, they set about the task of preaching.

16. We all set about preparing for the party.

17. Patiently Loi and Mark set about constructing another spar.

18. The girl attendant has set about cleaning the room.

19. I set about reading the book at one go.

20. 5 He set about the task with grim concentration.

21. How do senior managers set about making these decisions?

22. Nothing daunted, the people set about rebuilding their homes.

23. I don't know how to set about this job.

24. She set about the business of cleaning the house.

25. In a very forceful speech he set about his critics.

26. We set about our task at once with great enthusiasm.

27. After the earthquake, the people set about rebuilding their homes.

28. She set about rearranging the furniture in the living room.

29. I remember we set about putting together a cabaret show.

30. His wife set about upbraiding him for neglecting the children.

31. Having restored Ninth Army's front, Model set about holding it.

32. They set about their work with youthful vigour and enthusiasm.

33. The students set about doing their tasks with a will.

34. 4 They set about their work with youthful vigour and enthusiasm.

35. 9 Johnny Marr set about moulding a band around the songwriting.

36. He set about his task with a Lee–Enfield .303 rifle.

37. The new leader set about imposing his vision on the party.

38. 15 And the players promptly set about taking over the asylum.

39. Resourceful preachers around the world set about building their homes on wheels.

40. Stoically, and with great determination, the people set about rebuilding the village.

41. Truly none was so fit to set about this herculean labour as Petruchio.

42. Balaban and Katz set about to create the first air-conditioned movie theater.

43. Police then evacuated the basement mailroom while they set about disarming the device.

44. Undeterred, this pioneer couple set about the work of preaching and making disciples.

45. He has set about carving up the company which Hammer created from almost nothing.

46. Haman liked their idea and immediately set about the task. —Esther 5:12-14.

47. Heartened by the Prince's robust confidence, Marlborough set about to regain the strategic initiative.

48. They immediately set about the task of pushing the jostling photographers away from the limousine.

49. When these nations set about forging formal political institutions, they often modelled themselves on Constantinople.

50. He sensed a lack of brotherly affection, so he set about to remedy the situation.