seeping in Germany

seeping [siːpiŋ] sickernd, tropfend

Sentence patterns related to "seeping"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "seeping" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "seeping", or refer to the context using the word "seeping" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They're seeping pus.

2. Dreams are water seeping through cracks in the dike.

3. Breathable shield allows evaporation, yet blocks moisture from seeping to clothing.

4. The fumes began seeping through the trains and stations, and pandemonium ensued.

5. 26 Pesticides are seeping out of farmland and into the water supply.

6. It seemed to be seeping in from all sides, but how?

7. Large amounts of carbon dioxide are continuously seeping into and accumulating in the ground.

Im Boden werden ständig große Mengen Kohlendioxid gebunden und gebildet.

8. 19 The poisons seeping from Hanford's contaminated land quickly dilute in the water.

9. 13 The poisons seeping from Hanford's contaminated land quickly dilute in the water.

10. Seeping through the squalid air of the police station, the sour smell of dirt and disinfectant.

11. Juggling work and household chores, I felt ennui seeping into all phases of my life.

12. The LES contracts, squeezing the stomach entrance and creating a high pressure zone that prevents digestive acids from seeping out.

13. In the meanwhile, restorer Saveli Yamshchikov thinks that some of this war booty is already seeping out of the country.

14. 19 They used waterproof cement to prevent water from seeping through the roof of the runnel.

15. The little ones are licking each other again, and Harry's got a seeping wart on his extra toe.

16. 27 It was a telltale sign that water was seeping through the canyon walls, softening the mica shale and conglomerate abutment.

17. Resist the useless aggravation kicked in teeth The Blankness created forms a wreath Slap the coffin hear no shout Feel the courage seeping out Plunge

18. The time for the seeping water to reach the water table since the pond was initially filled has been calculated applying the Green-Ampt infiltration theory.

19. Between flight tests, classes, and Murders, Scra, Ky and Ree must band together to uncover the truth about their utopia and the whispers of a superweapon - “The Croaking” - that are seeping from the cracks.

20. “ The Accordionist's Son at first beguiles us with its leisurely flow like a late summer river, but it is a dark river with streaks of blood seeping from the muddy banks of the past

21. Quinquefasciatus is the principal vector of human filariasis, and breeds in Cesspits and drains.’ ‘The sanitation of Windsor Castle was almost as bad as the slums of London, with seeping Cesspits polluting the water supply.’ ‘Parasites have also been found in human coprolites and medieval Cesspits.’

22. Security, the first fundamental public freedom, is no longer guaranteed in European towns, the scene, since the 1970s, of drugs, muggings on trains, in the streets, on public transport, cars set alight, schools vandalised, murderous new crimes, lawlessness in the suburbs, town centres emptying and fear seeping in and taking over.

Die Sicherheit, die wichtigste der öffentlichen Grundfreiheiten, ist in den Städten Europas nicht mehr gewährleistet, wo sich seit den 70er Jahren Drogen, Überfälle in Zügen, Straßen oder öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln ausbreiten, wo Autos brennen, Schulen verwüstet werden, kriminelle Messerstecher am Werk sind, die Vorstädte zu rechtsfreien Räumen werden, die Innenstädte sich entvölkern, die Angst um sich greift und sich einnistet.