sedatives in Germany

sedatives [sedətivz] Beruhigungsmittel

Sentence patterns related to "sedatives"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sedatives" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sedatives", or refer to the context using the word "sedatives" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The doctors drugged him with sedatives.

2. Anxiolytics and sedatives include benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and related drugs

3. She has to take sedatives to calm her nerves.

4. I took sedatives and began to drink and smoke constantly.

5. Miscellaneous Anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics are those Anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics that are unique in their action and not comparable to any other Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics currently on the market, although their side effects may be similar

6. Oral antihistamines are effective as systemic Antipruritics, sedatives, and mild anxiolytics

7. In the rigid Cystoscope, you will be given sedatives or anesthesia

8. After administration of sedatives, aldosterone antagonists, steroids, and radiation, the patient improved.

Nach kombinierter medikamentöser und radiologischer Behandlung (Kobalt 60) bildete sich das bedrohliche Krankheitsbild zurück.

9. Some sedatives produce the para-doxical effect of making the person more anxious.

10. The only treatment is symptomatic and supportive therapy and using sedatives to control convulsions.

11. • The only treatment is symptomatic and supportive therapy and using sedatives to control Convulsions

12. Abused Anxiolytics and sedatives include benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and other drugs taken to promote sleep

13. Synonyms for Calmatives include sedatives, narcotics, tranquillizers, downers, opiates, depressant, soporifics, anodynes, neuroleptics and sleepers

14. To describe dental prescriptions for Anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics for Brazilian outpatients in 2010

15. The doctor looked dubiously at her stomach, sighed, and wrote her a prescription for more sedatives.

16. Shortly thereafter, the California Medical Board issued an order preventing Murray from administering heavy sedatives.

17. Bromism is the syndrome which results from the long-term use of the potassium bromide based sedatives

18. Interactions Allergin enhances sedative effect of CNS depressants including alcohol, barbiturates, hypnotics, narcotic analgesics, sedatives and tranquilizers

19. Barbiturates are CNS depressants, also called sedatives or tranquilizers, which are used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders

20. Ambien belongs to a different drug class called sedatives/hypnotics that have some similar characteristics to Benzodiazepines

21. However, virtually all present - day sedatives suppress REM, while Inception's designer drugs also negate real REM effects.

22. Roughly 1 out of every 9 men and 1 out of every 4 women who misuse hypnotic sedatives like Barbiturates die by suicide

23. A cross-sectional study was conducted using data on the use of Anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics from the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency, Brazil, 2010

24. You should not use acetaminophen, butalbital, and Caffeine if you have porphyria, or if you have recently used alcohol, sedatives, tranquilizers, or other narcotic medications.

25. Bispectral Index™ (Bis™) technology was the first clinically proven and commercially available direct measure of the effects of anesthetics and sedatives on the brain

26. Calmatives include sedatives proper, which consist mostly of bromine preparations (sodium or potassium bromide) and preparations of plant origin, for example, tinctures and extracts of heliotrope, motherwort, and passionflower.

27. Calmatives include sedatives proper, which consist mostly of bromine preparations (sodium or potassium bromide) and preparations of plant origin, for example, tinctures and extracts of heliotrope, motherwort, and passionflower.

28. The therapeutic benefit of Anxiolytics and sedatives is well-established, but their value in alleviating stress and anxiety is also probably the reason that they are abused so frequently

29. These agents are referred to as Anxiolytics (prevent feelings of tension or fear), sedatives (help patient feel calm and unaware of their environment), and hypnotics (help patients sleep).

30. The long-acting Barbiturates, such as phenobarbital, which were at one time mainly employed as daytime sedatives for the treatment of anxiety, produce sedation that lasts from twelve to twenty-four hours.

31. Bromism is the syndrome which results from the long-term use of the potassium bromide based sedatives. Bromism was once a very common disorder being responsible for 5-10% of psychiatric hospital admissions

32. Barbiturate [ bär-bĭch ′ər-ĭt ] Any of a group of drugs that act as depressants of the central nervous system, are highly addictive, and are used primarily as sedatives and anticonvulsants

33. Constipation is a side effect of many prescription and over-the-counter drugs. These include antacids that contain aluminum, antispasmodics, antidepressants, tranquilizers and sedatives, bismuth salts, iron supplements, diuretics, anticholinergics, calcium-channel blockers, and anticonvulsants

34. Dentists can also prescribe medications such as antibiotics, fluorides, pain killers, local anesthetics, sedatives/hypnotics and any other medications that serve in the treatment of the various conditions that arise in the head and neck.

35. A study of fatal overdoses due to anxiolytics and sedatives in the UK between 1983 and 1999 reported a figure of 146.2 fatal toxicities per million Barbiturate prescriptions compared to just 7.4 per million for benzodiazepines

36. Barbiturates are a class of drugs derived from barbituric acid that act as depressants to the central nervous system. These drugs are used as sedatives or anesthetics and have the potential to become addictive

37. Miscellaneous Anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics are a diverse group of medicines with no consistent structural relationship. Many are older drugs and most have an unknown mechanism of action but work on the central nervous system to treat anxiety and insomnia.

38. Occasionally, however, Anaetiological factor may be identified: methysergide taken for migraine reportedly induced retroperitoneal fibrosis in 1-3%ofpatients,' andanalgesics, sedatives, and antihistamines have also been incriminated.2 Retroperitoneal fibrosis has also been reported in patients who have taken beta-

39. Anxiolytic - a tranquilizer used to relieve anxiety and reduce tension and irritability antianxiety drug , Anxiolytic drug , minor tranquilizer , minor tranquilliser , minor tranquillizer benzodiazepine - any of several similar lipophilic amines used as tranquilizers or sedatives or hypnotics or muscle relaxants; chronic use can lead to dependency

40. And the parents must set the proper example themselves, not “giving themselves to a lot of wine,” and not relying on “pep” pills (amphetamines) and sedatives (barbiturates) to substitute for self-control when faced with emotional problems, weight problems (from lack of control in eating), and so forth. —1 Tim.

Und die Eltern müssen selbst das richtige Beispiel geben; sie dürfen „nicht vielem Wein ergeben“ sein und dürfen sich nicht auf Aufputschungsmittel (Amphetamine) und Beruhigungsmittel (Barbiturate) verlassen, statt Selbstbeherrschung zu üben, wenn sie Probleme mit ihren Gefühlen, ihrem Gewicht (weil sie sich beim Essen nicht beherrschen) usw. haben. — 1. Tim.

41. Bromism is the syndrome which results from the long-term consumption of bromine, usually through bromine-based sedatives such as potassium bromide and lithium bromide.Bromism was once a very common disorder, being responsible for 5 to 10% of psychiatric hospital admissions, but is now uncommon since bromide was withdrawn from clinical use in many countries and was severely …

42. Anxiolytics and Sedatives/Hypnotics (ASHs) Anxiolytics – Chlordiazepoxide, Meprobamate & Oxazepam Clinical Criteria Logic Diagram Step 1 Does the client have a history of a CLD, MePB, or OX AZ agent for 90 days in the last 150 days? Step 2 Is the incoming request for 1 days supply? Step 3 Is the incoming request IRU 5 units per day? No Y es