scythes in Germany

scythes [saiðz] mäht ab, Sense

Sentence patterns related to "scythes"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scythes" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scythes", or refer to the context using the word "scythes" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Boat shaped carborundum stone for quickly re-sharpening Billhooks, sickles and scythes

2. Make sure that all sharp implements, such as scythes, have covers.

3. Their arsenal included chariots, the wheels of which were equipped with deadly iron scythes.

4. In the book Croak by Gina Damico, lex describes the scythes as short, so why are the scythes in fan art and book covers so large?Spoilers Welcome.

5. Scythes would have stuck out from the chariots, possibly from the axles.

6. The peasants were Armed with pitchforks and scythes as they stormed the military garrison

7. For you will drive away the Caʹnaan·ites, even though they are strong and have war chariots with iron scythes.”

8. He sharpened the scythes on the grindstone, slaughtered a pig, caught and salted fish, ground barley in a water-driven gristmill and grew and stored potatoes.

9. Secondly (4.8), a legend told by the Pontic Greeks featuring Scythes, the first king of the Scythians, as a child of Hercules and Echidna.

10. Under army chief Sisera, Jabin’s 900 chariots equipped with menacing iron scythes came from Harosheth to the dry bed of the Kishon, between Megiddo and Mount Tabor.

11. Cast Steel, German, American, Blister, and Crowley Anvils, Vices, Bellowses, and Screw Plates Mill And cross-cut Saw fries Hollow Ware, assorted JVails, cut and wrought, assorted Spades and Shovels Fruit Kettles Drawing and Halter Chains Williams & Cassat's Axes Evans' Augurs Cross-Cut and Mill Saws Gate am^barn-door Hinges Scythes and Sickles