scarcity in Germany

scarcity [skɛəsitiː] Knappheit, Mangel

Sentence patterns related to "scarcity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scarcity" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scarcity", or refer to the context using the word "scarcity" in the English - Germany Dictionary.


2. The Commodity Effect and Scarcity

3. We think about energy scarcity.

4. Abundance is the opposite of scarcity

5. Tackling water scarcity in Western Turkey

Bekämpfung der Wasserknappheit in der Westtürkei

6. In times of scarcity, prices rose sharply.

7. It is abundance, as opposed to scarcity.

8. And economics is very interested in scarcity.

Und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler sind an Verknappung sehr interessiert.

9. A scarcity he is determined to overcome .

10. The scarcity of food forced prices up.

11. This expression simply indicates the scarcity of wine.

12. Scarcity is the overarching theme of all economics .

13. The scarcity of medical supplies was becoming critical.

14. Their price depended almost entirely on their scarcity.

15. Arid regions frequently suffer from physical water scarcity.

16. Third, we are entering an era of resource scarcity.

Drittens befinden wir uns an der Schwelle in das Zeitalter der Ressourcenknappheit.

17. As it turns out , power scarcity was probably exaggerated .

18. 9 Plainly, that denotes food shortages, scarcity of eatables.

19. Unconfined water is abundance but confined water is scarcity.

20. By # billion people will be living with absolute water scarcity

21. Strange diseases are known for their peculiarity, bizarreness and scarcity.

22. Satellite broadcasting uses higher frequencies, apparently without spectrum scarcity problems.

Bei Ausstrahlungen über Satellit werden höhere Frequenzen verwendet, wobei die Knappheit von Frequenzen offensichtlich kein Problem darstellt.

23. In the public sector, scarcity is more important than price.

24. So scarcity of literature was one of our big problems.

25. We have situations of plenty as well as scarcity of water.

26. Most of the economic models are built around scarcity and growth.

27. There's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen. Wayne Dyer 

28. Singapore is a scarcity of land resources of the city state.

29. Water efficiency can help reduce water scarcity and water stress problems.

Effiziente Wassernutzung kann dazu beitragen, Wasserknappheit und Wasserstress zu reduzieren.

30. Added to the scarcity were staggering price jumps in many lands.

31. Owing to its scarcity in nature, most plutonium is produced synthetically.

32. Petrol shortages and the scarcity of spare parts brought added problems.

33. Addressing the challenge of water scarcity and droughts in the European Union

Antworten auf die Herausforderung von Wasserknappheit und Dürre in der Europäischen Union

34. Poverty, deteriorating environment, and scarcity of resources only add to the hardship.

35. TIMBER, particularly that of the native variety, is rapidly becoming a scarcity.

NUTZHOLZ wird immer knapper, insbesondere das Nutzholz, das von verschiedenen einheimischen Baumarten stammt.

36. You implicitly understand scarcity , whether you are aware of it or not .

37. One quarter of the world's population is affected by economic water scarcity.

38. The world is entering a period of protein scarcity, the report says.

39. True, there were economic problems, and there was a scarcity of food.

40. We are seeing more frequent floods, increased drought, desertification and water scarcity.

41. What is an Abundance of caution meaning? Most people are living scarcity

42. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living with absolute water scarcity.

43. But she came around when he explained the scarcity of pure blood .

44. And I can sum it up in just two words: scarcity mentality.

45. The scarcity of the resources there brings the best out of people.

46. There is a great scarcity of food in the drought-stricken areas.

47. Consider the rising scarcity of freshwater supplies and the problem of acid rain.

48. Of the 41,528 villages in Rajasthan , 30,583 were declared scarcity - hit this year .

49. In times of scarcity, lions will travel great distances in search of food.

50. Demand was sluggish but the drastic fall in output created conditions of scarcity .