sacs in Germany

sacs [sæks] Beutel

Sentence patterns related to "sacs"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sacs" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sacs", or refer to the context using the word "sacs" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The Alveoli are tiny hollow sacs with an opening toward the alveolar sacs and respiratory bronchioles

2. Bayadera - Sacs évolutifs personnalisables, Paris

3. Finally remembered she likes cul-de-sacs.

4. Use their air sacs to make sound.

5. 20 The testis sacs communicate with the seminal vesicles.

6. The Bronchioles connect to the alveoli (air sacs).

7. Multiflorum Erben) may form meiotically unreduced diplosporous and reduced embryo sacs (facultative apomixis) or unreduced diplosporous embryo sacs and autonomous en-dosperm (obligate Apomicts) [7,22,23]

8. Isolated egg-sacs show a slight tendency to accelerated development.

Isolierte Eiballen weisen eine Tendenz zu geringfügig beschleunigter Entwicklung auf.

9. Chloroplast membranes form elongated flattened fluid - filled sacs called thylakoids.

10. Lymphatic Blebs are small, raised sacs containing clear lymphatic fluid

11. 2 The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.

12. The Member States designate these sites as special areas of conservation (SACs).

13. The bronchioles end in tiny balloon-like air sacs called Alveoli

14. Blisters are fluid-filled sacs on the outer layer of your skin

15. The Anthers contain microsporangia, tiny sacs in which pollen is formed

16. True obligate Apomicts (individuals that produce only asexual embryo sacs) are uncommon

17. Each microsporophyll carries on its underside (abaxial side) a variety of pollen sacs.

Jedes Mikrosporophyll trägt an seiner Unterseite (abaxialen Seite) eine Vielzahl von Pollensäcken.

18. On the stems, leaves, and flowers, the epidermis has sacs filled with tannin.

19. The Alveoli form clusters, called alveolar sacs, that resemble bunches of grapes

20. The most notable shared characteristic is the presence of cortical (outer-region) Alveoli (sacs)

21. Breathing in the amniotic fluid may help in formation of its lung sacs.

Die Atmung im Fruchtwasser mag die Entwicklung der Lungenbläschen unterstützen.

22. In addition, larger species tend to carry fecal sacs farther than smaller species.

Darüber hinaus tendieren größere Arten dazu, Kotreste weiter weg zu bringen als kleinere Arten.

23. Spatial limit — the measures target only species and habitats located ‘in the SACs’.

räumliche Begrenzung — Die Maßnahmen sind einerseits ausschließlich auf Arten und Lebensräume gerichtet, die sich „in den besonderen Schutzgebieten“ befinden.

24. Twins that develop in separate sacs surrounded by two separate Chorions are considered diChorionic

25. Alveolar abnormalities are changes in the tiny air sacs in the lungs, called Alveoli

26. By the same analogy, the alveolar ducts leading to the sacs are like the stems of individual grapes, but, unlike grapes, the alveolar sacs are pocketlike structures made up of several individual Alveoli

27. Pulmonary Alveolus ( Plural; Alveoli) are tiny air sacs that function as basic respiratory units

28. Inhaled air passes through tiny ducts from the bronchioles into elastic air sacs (Alveoli)

29. In 2008, detailed bone analysis suggested these dinosaurs employed a system of air sacs.

30. (4) Commission notes on designation of SACs, setting of conservation objectives for Natura 2000 sites,

31. Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that act as a cushion between bones, tendons, joints, and muscles

32. A pulmonary bleb is the formation of small sacs of air (Blebs) in lung tissue

33. When the Alevin completely absorb their yolk sacs, they leave the gravel and become fry

34. Synonyms for Antrums include cavities, sacs, alveoli, ampullas, archenterons, bullae, bursas, lumens, orbits and sinuses

35. Alveoli -- Microscopic air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs with the circulatory system.

36. In the case of Alveolitis, the sacs are inflamed and stop expanding and contracting properly.

37. The nature of the nasal sacs in heterostracans has been the subject of some debate.

38. Carpels, in turn are each made up of smaller, individual juice filled sacs or juice follicles

39. Several synapomorphies diagnose the family, including endolymphatic sacs penetrating the nuchal musculature; and strongly Bicapitate, bisulcate hemipenes

40. Elles achètent des petits sacs d'Argile pour cinq francs dans les boutiques de produits exotiques

41. When pollen matures in the pollen sacs, the lobes of the Anthers burst open in the …

42. Barotrauma is a condition in which the alveoli (air sacs of the lungs) rupture with a subsequent entry of air into the surrounding extra alveolar space. Barotrauma is typically caused by lung air sacs rupturing or a direct injury

43. Within it are ducts, tiny passageways, that channel milk from milk- producing sacs to the nipple.

44. Bursae are small fluid-filled sacs that reduce friction between moving parts in your body's joints

45. Bronchogenic cysts are closed sacs considered to be the result of an abnormal budding of the respiratory system

46. Asphyxia Suffocation by interference with the free AIRWAY between the atmosphere and the air sacs in the lungs

47. Acquired Cystic kidney disease happens when a person's kidneys develop fluid-filled sacs, called cysts, over time

48. The Blowholes then connect to air sacs surrounded by muscles that, when contracted, can produce whale songs

49. Each respiratory Bronchiole then supplies 2-11 alveolar ducts which in turn each supply 4-5 alveolar sacs

50. The smallest of those branches are called Bronchioles, and they end in tiny air sacs called alveoli.