rushed through in Germany

ushed through [rʌʃtθruː] durcheilte

Sentence patterns related to "rushed through"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rushed through" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rushed through", or refer to the context using the word "rushed through" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. She rushed through her script.

2. Water rushed through the gorge.

3. The new Bill was rushed through Parliament.

4. A thousand conflicting thoughts rushed through his mind.

5. A surge of joy rushed through her body.

6. Water rushed through the gutters during the heavy thunderstorm.

7. 7 The government rushed through legislation aimed at Mafia leaders.

8. The whole station seemed to vibrate as the express train rushed through.

9. We rushed through the last few design drawings so as to go home early.

10. The windows were thrown open as the boys rushed through the building in search of the infernal device.

11. It is simply not acceptable, in my view, for provisions that would strip Canadians of all legally assured privacy rights to be rushed through Parliament under a cone of silence, without very specific justification and debate of their merits.