running against in Germany

unning against [rʌniŋəgenst] anrennend

Sentence patterns related to "running against"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "running against" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "running against", or refer to the context using the word "running against" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 23 Public opinion is currently running against fox hunting.

2. He hurt his head by running against a wall.

3. Are you running against each other or against the clock?

4. Traction drives transmit power through metal rollers running against mating metal rollers.

5. Richard Nixon, even when he was running against John Kennedy in 19 took an entirely different view.

6. We expect somebody supporting a candidate running against Carroll next year to attempt to use this ancient factoid against him.

7. Finding the party he founded demoralized, vilified, and acephalous, the combative Arce accepted the difficult challenge of running against the officially supported, popular Liberal candidate Ismael Montes.

Seine konservative Partei war zu diesem Zeitpunkt demoralisiert, verleumdet und kopflos, trotzdem nahm der kampfeslustige Arce die schwierige Herausforderung an, gegen den beliebten Kandidaten der Liberalen anzutreten, Ismael Montes Gamboa.

8. Besprinkler; dampen; dapple; dot; dust; dust off; fleck; freckle; mottle; pepper; powder; sparge; References in classic literature? He started up, left Blifil to his fate, and flew to Sophia, whom, while all the rest were running against each other, backward and forward, looking for water in the dry paths, he caught up in his arms, and then ran

9. AM: Yes, well, you know, I'd won everything as far as the disabled meets -- everything I competed in -- and, you know, training in Georgetown and knowing that I was going to have to get used to seeing the backs of all these women's shirts -- you know, I'm running against the next Flo-Jo -- and they're all looking at me like, "Hmm, what's, you know, what's going on here?"