rifle fire in Germany

ifle fire [raifəlfaiər] Gewehrfeue

Sentence patterns related to "rifle fire"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rifle fire" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rifle fire", or refer to the context using the word "rifle fire" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. There was a rattle of rifle-fire.

2. The slightest movement above trench level drew rifle fire.

3. The first rifle fire came with a falsetto crack.

4. The rifle fire Abated and the ground shook with the drumming of hooves

5. Rifle fire, machine guns, grenades, missiles and cannon fire ring out as terrible battle is fought...Then silence.

6. Also, Japanese machine gun and rifle fire from the east side of the creek killed several of the Marine machine-gunners.

7. Suddenly a storm of rifle-fire broke out from a ridge on our right front and showed us we were Ambushed. IN THE RANKS OF THE C.I.V

8. On Newton's left, his brigade under Brig. Gen. George D. Wagner attacked through dense undergrowth, but was unable to break through the abatis and fierce rifle fire.

9. ‘The introduction of the Conoidal bullet in the mid-nineteenth century greatly increased the range, accuracy, and striking power of small-arms fire, and in the Civil War rifle fire accounted for most battle casualties.’