rich in substance in Germany

ich in substance [ritʃinsʌbstəns] inhaltsreich

Sentence patterns related to "rich in substance"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rich in substance" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rich in substance", or refer to the context using the word "rich in substance" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Carbonaceous — is the defining attribute of a substance rich in carbon

2. A very widespread one is the ""Voacanga africana", the seeds of which are very rich in a substance used for the production of medicinal drugs.

3. Absorbent is a process by which a substance takes in another substance

4. Carbonaceous Carbonaceous is the defining attribute of a substance rich in carbon. Particularly, Carbonaceous hydrocarbons are very unsaturated, high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons, having an elevated carbon:hydrogen ratio

5. The uterus cells of Microdalyellia fairchildi which are rich in agranular ER produce a vesicular substance released from the cells at the beginning of egg-shell formation.

Die Zellen des Uterus von Microdalyellia fairchildi, die durch ein reichlich entwickeltes ER ausgezeichnet sind, produzieren ein bläschenartiges Sekret, das am Beginn der Eibildung ausgeschieden wird.

6. Reference substance is a chemical substance that is usually used in chemical analysis.

7. Crops flourish in rich soil.

8. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

9. China is rich in minerals.

10. What does Adad stand for in Substance Abuse? Get the top Adad abbreviation related to Substance Abuse.

11. Active substance


12. Albedo is an additional, or secondary substance which is present in some alchemical ingredients in addition to the primary substance

13. amount of test substance applied, test concentration and reference substance

Menge der verwendeten Prüfsubstanz, Testkonzentration und Referenzsubstanz

14. The country is rich in oil.

15. Her style is rich in simile.

16. You see, history's rich in irony.

17. Adsorbent definition is - a usually solid substance that adsorbs another substance.

18. 11 It developed variations in nomenclature and in substance.

19. Codeine is a controlled substance in the U.S

20. Police found an illegal substance in his car.

21. Soybeans are very rich in protein.

22. The rich lived in idle luxury.

23. Their headquarters is rich in symbolism.

24. The palace was rich in ornament.

25. Weeds grow thickly in rich soil.