reordering in Germany

eordering [riːɔːdəriŋ] neu bestellend

Sentence patterns related to "reordering"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reordering" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reordering", or refer to the context using the word "reordering" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. A Bidi object provides information on the Bidirectional reordering of the text used to create it

2. In another novel aspect, a reordering timer is started upon detecting the PDCP gap condition.

3. A Bidi object provides information on the Bidirectional reordering of the text used to create it

4. Requests for reordering or revocation of a payment order shall be queued until the algorithm is complete.

Bis zum Abschluss eines laufenden Algorithmus werden Anträge auf Änderung der Position oder Widerruf eines Zahlungsauftrags in eine Warteschlange gestellt.

5. Compilation literature—I’m using a term invented by the Byzantinist Catherine Holmes here—is produced by copying, summarizing, reordering, …

6. It can be shown that it is not valid to perform many seemingly innocuous operations on a series, such as reordering individual terms, unless the series is absolutely convergent.

7. "Clunky" is the reordering of the components of a sentence such that it sounds like you wrote the words in the order you pulled them out of the hat.