remuneration in Germany

emuneration [rimjuːnəreiʃən] Belohnung

Sentence patterns related to "remuneration"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "remuneration" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "remuneration", or refer to the context using the word "remuneration" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Remuneration actually paid (elements of remuneration

Tatsächlich geleistete Vergütung (Vergütungselemente

2. ii) Remuneration actually paid (elements of remuneration)

ii) Tatsächlich geleistete Vergütung (Vergütungselemente)

3. Additional remuneration

Zusätzliche Vergütung

4. Remuneration paid (after tax)

Gezahlte Vergütung nach Steuern

5. (clxii) Additional annual remuneration;

6. The fair remuneration for the workforce.

7. Additional remuneration for excess in basis points

Zusätzliche Vergütung für den Mehrbetrag (in Basispunkten)

8. Third, the remuneration system became performance-related.

9. Director of remuneration and personnel systems, Safeway.

10. They demanded adequate remuneration for their work.

11. Additional Remuneration for Subsequent Communications or Broadcasts 206.

12. staff administration, including administration of contracts and remuneration

Mitarbeiterverwaltung, einschließlich Verwaltung von Verträgen und Vergütungen

13. He received a generous remuneration for his services.

14. Amount of subsistence allowances and additional remuneration

Höhe der Tagegelder und zusätzlichen Vergütungen

15. (i)an employee, in relation to accrued salary, pension benefits or other fixed remuneration, except for variable remuneration of any form;

i)Beschäftigten aufgrund rückständiger Lohnforderungen, Rentenleistungen oder anderer fester Vergütungen, ausgenommen variable Vergütungen jeglicher Art;

16. Procellous Archeologian Sidonnie counterchange filaceous Geff remuneration Ocala

17. Referees' remuneration for their services varies between leagues.

18. Remuneration of current accounts deposited with the Treasury

Verzinsung beim Staat eingelegter Girokontenguthaben

19. Enter the Total Ontario Remuneration for each account.

20. Remuneration of 6,92 % (after tax) on point 1

Entgelt von 6,92 % (nach Steuern) für 1.

21. The employees received their remuneration through the Common paymaster

22. Officer remuneration has enjoyed an even more meteoric rise.

23. staff remuneration, administrative and infrastructure expenses, and operating costs;

die Bezüge des Personals, die Verwaltungs- und Infrastrukturausgaben, die Betriebskosten;

24. Generous remuneration packages are often attached to overseas postings.

25. Vijay took a remuneration of ₹1 for his role.

26. May I ask about the remuneration and fringe benefits?

27. There is no established mechanism for adjusting non-staff remuneration.

28. Experience in international remuneration comparisons would be an additional asset.

29. Remuneration systems are essential in determining the quality of work accomplished and the efficiency with which organizations operate. The United Nations remuneration system is no exception.

30. Acceptance of remuneration for activities undertaken in a personal capacity

Annahme von Vergütung für in der Eigenschaft als Privatperson geleistete Tätigkeiten

31. The above amounts shall be adapted in line with remuneration.

Die vorgenannten Beträge folgen der Anpassung der Dienstbezüge.

32. The remuneration payable to FHH comes out of after-tax profits.

Die Vergütung, die der FHH zu zahlen ist, wird aus den Gewinnen nach Steuern gezahlt.

33. Petitions to the Admiralty for remuneration for his discovery brought nothing.

34. Additional remuneration payable on exceeding the amount of bond liabilities guaranteed

Zusätzliche Vergütung bei Überschreitung der Höhe der garantierten Verbindlichkeiten

35. Contract is with the remuneration of dating Rose once a month.

36. In practice the parties and arbitrator should agree his remuneration in advance.

37. Axiomatic Consultants started out as a remuneration and benefits consultancy firm

38. an employee, in relation to accrued salary, pension benefits or other fixed remuneration, except for the variable component of remuneration that is not regulated by a collective bargaining agreement;

Beschäftigten aufgrund ausstehender Lohnforderungen, Rentenleistungen oder anderer fester Vergütungen, ausgenommen variable Vergütungsbestandteile, die nicht tarifvertraglich geregelt sind;

39. Liabilities to an employee, in relation to accrued salary, pension benefits or other fixed remuneration, except for the variable component of remuneration that is not regulated by a collective bargaining agreement.

Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Beschäftigten aufgrund ausstehender Lohnforderungen, Rentenleistungen oder anderer fester Vergütungen, ausgenommen variable Vergütungsbestandteile, die nicht tarifvertraglich geregelt sind.

40. It does not appear that the defendant was to receive any remuneration.

41. The serious issue was the dispute over the proper amount of remuneration.

42. Also entitled to annual additional remuneration of # paid on pro rata temporis basis

43. remuneration, allowances and expenses of any kind for members of the Management Board;

Vergütungen, Zulagen und Aufwendungen jeglicher Art für Vorstandsmitglieder;

44. That refusal adversely affected the complainants’ remuneration, grade and/or promotion prospects.

Diese Weigerung wirke sich nachteilig auf die Dienstbezüge, die Besoldungsgruppe und/oder die Beförderungsaussichten der Beschwerdeführer aus.

45. In addition, the credit institution pays no remuneration for the guarantee (47).

Zudem entrichtet das Kreditinstitut keine Vergütung für diese Haftung (47).

46. 2. remuneration and tax treatment (gross and net pay, including additional benefits),

2. die Bezüge und Steuern (Brutto- und Nettogehalt einschließlich von Zusatzleistungen);

47. (i) an employee, in relation to accrued salary, pension benefits or other fixed remuneration, except for the variable component of remuneration that is not regulated by a collective bargaining agreement;

i) Beschäftigten aufgrund ausstehender Lohnforderungen, Rentenleistungen oder anderer fester Vergütungen, ausgenommen variable Vergütungsbestandteile, die nicht tarifvertraglich geregelt sind;

48. (i) an employee, in relation to accrued salary, pension benefits or other fixed remuneration, except for the variable component of remuneration that is not regulated by law or collective bargaining agreement;

(i) Beschäftigten aufgrund rückständiger Lohnforderungen, Rentenleistungen oder anderer fester Vergütungen (ausgenommen sind variable Komponenten von Vergütungen, die nicht gesetzlich oder tarifvertraglich geregelt sind);

49. In addition, we have remuneration for effort and sacrifice; this determines people’s incomes.

Schließlich ist da das Problem der Allokation. Wie wird entschieden, wie viel produziert wird?

50. The remuneration of directors and group management is reported on an accrual basis.

Die Vergütungen für den Verwaltungsrat und die Konzernleitung werden nach dem Accrual-Prinzip ausgewiesen.