remembers in Germany

emembers [rimembəz] denkt daran, erinnere, erinnert

Sentence patterns related to "remembers"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "remembers" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "remembers", or refer to the context using the word "remembers" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Hesh-ke remembers you.

2. Bertha vividly remembers the Conflagration that

3. Who remembers those films nowadays?

4. Now the cupbearer at last remembers Joseph.

5. And he remembers the love I’ve shown.

6. Who remembers most of yesterday's best sellers?

7. Everyone who is a 'Seinfeld' fan remembers Babu

8. What youth is used to, age remembers

9. People got wiped out, but, you know, who remembers?

10. Cedric remembers: “Mark, a fellow prisoner, talked to me.

11. He also remembers us if we should die.

12. She remembers being a rather bossy little girl.

13. Yeah, he remembers how to turn it on.

14. He remembers every wand he has ever sold.

15. She remembers a seminary lesson about the plan of salvation.

16. • Bertha vividly remembers the Conflagration that consumed her childhood home.

17. "Billy Mays' son remembers him on Fla. radio show".

18. 1 What youth is used to, age remembers

19. When the Beast remembers, the teenager inside is forgotten.

20. 1 She remembers being a rather bossy little girl.

21. One horrifying event she still clearly remembers occurred on Ferry Lane.

22. Bertha vividly remembers the conflagration that consumed her childhood home.

23. Belated happy birthday! The head forgets – but the heart remembers

24. Absoluteness again how, still have at least a remembers there

25. 19 How comforting to know that Jehovah remembers that we are dust!

26. 2 He remembers selling balloons, pinwheels, and fireman hats to eager youngsters.

27. Ticket agent remembers selling Brewer a one-way bus fare to Vancouver.

28. 7 In the days of her affliction and her homelessness, Jerusalem remembers

29. Are you saying what he remembers under hypnosis may not be real?

30. No, but the other poor wretch did, and the ferryman remembers when.

31. For he grew up before the permissive society and remembers his adolescence.

32. When was the last time anyone remembers seeing Air Marshal Ford?

Wann hat jeder von Ihnen Air-Marshal Ford zuletzt gesehen?

33. 4 Bertha vividly remembers the conflagration that consumed her childhood home.

34. Absoluteness again how still have at least a remembers there: 2

35. No one remembers the last time so many ships were docked.

36. She remembers standing outside the kitchen, overhearing her employers talk with her parents.

37. Jasmin, also a Witness, remembers being first targeted by racism at age nine.

38. 12 No, but the other poor wretch did, and the ferryman remembers when.

39. 14 When a person is in a very deep sleep, he remembers nothing.

40. Cate Hale remembers being locked in a closet surrounded by clothing and tinfoil.

41. They are passing an old campesino home Primo remembers from yesterday afternoon.

42. He remembers his mother taking him to air-raid shelters for safety.

Er weiß noch, wie seine Mutter mit ihm in einen Luftschutzbunker gelaufen ist.

43. Chris remembers his freshman year at UCLA as if it were yesterday.

44. Gunn remembers the times when he could practise his promiscuity without danger.

45. A Cornetist and jazz scholar, Sudhalter remembers overlooked Cornetist Bix Beiderbecke with Marian McPartland

46. Their son Michael remembers: “Tuesday night we had a congregation meeting in our home.

47. 20 As my father remembers the story, the backache soon took a bad turn.

48. God does not dwell on our faults but remembers the good that we do.

49. Oshin's grandson, Kei, remembers the story of the kokeshi doll she once told him.

50. 28 Who remembers night sorties to see Yorkshire glow-worms and Gypsy Hill badgers?