regurgitation in Germany

egurgitation [riːgəːdʒiteiʃən] Erbreche

Sentence patterns related to "regurgitation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "regurgitation" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "regurgitation", or refer to the context using the word "regurgitation" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. What increases my risk for Aortic regurgitation?

2. No valvular regurgitation, no wall motion abnormalities, no other structural defects.

3. Bicuspid valves may eventually leak (aortic regurgitation) and/or narrow (aortic stenosis).

4. CDFI could further estimate the degree of valvular regurgitation caught by infective endocarditis.

5. Aortic regurgitation is a heart valve disease in which the Aortic valve does not close tightly

6. Objectives: Techniques employed today concomitantly with left-sided heart valve surgery address secondary tricuspid valve regurgitation at 3 anatomic levels-Annulus, commissure, and leaflet-although success of these alone or in combination in eliminating tricuspid regurgitation is uncertain

7. The clinical manifestations of gastric Bezoars include abdominal discomfort, pain, fullness, acid regurgitation, heartburn, and nausea and vomiting.

8. Cardiorespiratory Five (0.5%) neonates with severe tricuspid regurgitation had heart murmurs, and two (0.2%) of them presented with Cardiorespiratory distress

9. The symptoms have been dysphagia, epigastric/thoracic pain, heartburn and regurgitation (n=12), pulmonary infections (n=8) and anemia (n=9).

Der Symptomkomplex erstreckte sich von Dysphagie, epigastrischer/thorakaler Schmerzen, Sodbrennen und nächtlicher Regurgitation (n= 12) über pulmonale Beschwerden wie rezidivierende Infekte (n=8) bis hin zur „unklaren Anämie“ (n=9).

10. Patients with Acute mitral regurgitation (MR) are often gravely ill with significant hemodynamic abnormalities that require urgent medical and usually surgical treatment

11. Shangzhong also regulates and suppresses rebellious Qi, such as Stomach Qi rebelling as in Oesophageal spasm, vomiting, regurgitation, Belchings, acid risings and so …

12. Bilious vomiting is presumed to occur from regurgitation of Bilious contents in the afferent limb into the stomach after release from intermittent obstruction

13. Constrictive pericarditis is a potentially reversible cause of heart failure that may be difficult to differentiate from restrictive myocardial disease and severe tricuspid regurgitation

14. Discussion: Silent mitral insufficiency is a common finding in patients with acute rheumatic fever and can be differentiated from physiological mitral regurgitation when rigid echocardiographic criteria are used.

Diskussion: Bei Patienten mit akutem rheumatischem Fieber wird eine Mitralklappeninsuffizienz ohne auskultatorisches Korrelat weitaus häufiger als bei gesunden Kindern nachgewiesen und ist unter Anwendung strenger echokardiographischer Kriterien von physiologischen Mitralklappenregurgitationen abgrenzbar.

15. Work is being done to raise canal banks, render paved areas impermeable to upward filtration of water from the subsoil, and prevent sewer regurgitation in conditions of acqua alta.

16. In patients undergoing PAPVC repair at the time of bicaval OHT, the recipient SVC is Anastomosed to donor SVC which is simpler technically than atrial reconstruction and offers better outcomes regarding arrhythmias and tricuspid regurgitation

17. However, its quantitative application to aortic regurgitation is complicated due to the complex valve anatomy which distorts the converging flow field. An open angle formed by the leaflets causes relatively lower velocities in the region near the orifice, resulting in underestimation of flow.

Ihre Anwendung bei Aorteninsuffizienz wird jedoch erschwert durch die komplexe Anatomie der Klappe sowie des Bulbus und die dadurch bedingte Deformierung des konvergierenden Flusses: Der offene Winkel, den die Klappenränder bilden, bewirkt relativ niedrigere Geschwindigkeiten in der Nähe des Leckostiums, was zur Unterschätzung des Flusses führt.

18. We report the case of a 44-year-old Caucasian patient with HIV and Hepatitis C virus (HIV/HCV) coinfection who, within 2.5 years, displayed a progressive symptomatology with dysphagia, retrosternal pain, regurgitation as well as a considerable loss of weight before achalasia was finally diagnosed.

Wir berichten über den Fall eines 44-jährigen Patienten mit einer HIV/HCV-Koinfektion, bei dem über einen Zeitraum von 2,5 Jahren eine progrediente Symptomatik mit Dysphagie, retrosternalen Schmerzen, Regurgitationen sowie einem zuletzt ausgeprägten Gewichtsverlust bestand, bevor als Ursache der Beschwerden eine Achalasie diagnostiziert werden konnte.

19. This relationship was determined in 20 subjects with coronary heart disease and in 6 subjects judged to be without heart disease, utilizing catheter-tip manometry and determination of diastolic volume change.DV was taken as stroke volume in the absence of intracardiac shunts and valvular regurgitation as demonstrated by angiocardiography.

Die gewonnenen Meßwerte für die Wandelastizität wurden mit den geschwindigkeitscbezogenen Kontraktilitätsparametern der isovolumetrischen Phase, quantitativen angiokardiographischen Größen und aus enddiastolischem Druck, enddiastolischem Volumen und Schlagvolumen konstruierten Ventrikelfunktionskurven in Beziehung gesetzt.

20. Arching of the back and abnormal movements of the neck and chin; choking, gagging, or problems swallowing; irritability, particularly when it occurs with regurgitation; loss of appetite or refusing to eat; complications, such as poor weight gain, cough, or wheezing; vomiting; However, many conditions other than GERD can cause similar symptoms.