regressed in Germany

egressed [rigrest] ging zurück

Sentence patterns related to "regressed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "regressed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "regressed", or refer to the context using the word "regressed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The aneurysm regressed spontaneously after the ensuing five months.

2. The patient had regressed to a state of childish dependency.

3. The night regressed into utter silence and solitude.

4. The tumors regressed and then they appeared to stabilize.

5. To high myopia patients, the poet surgical hyperopia regressed more slowly with age.

6. She had to get out of this place before she regressed to infancy.

7. Then a hemianopsia to the left followed, which, however, regressed. At the same time the left central scotoma diminished.

8. Asocial: ( ā-sō'shŭl ), Not social; withdrawn from society; indifferent to social rules or customs; for example, a recluse, a regressed schizophrenic person, a schizoid personality

9. Mean rust severity on big bluestem was regressed on the number of aecia on comandra (aecial density) within eight distance intervals from big bluestem plants.

10. The original nation has regressed into a vastly de-populated, agrarian and pre-industrial state without any international political influence, while 'England, England' continues to prosper.

Die Nation ist zu einem entvölkerten, vorindustriellen Agrarstaat ohne politischen Einfluss verkommen, während ‚England, England‘ weiterhin floriert.

11. Synonyms for Backslided include relapsed, regressed, retrogressed, reverted, slipped back, fell back, fallen back, reverted to a former state, reverted to old habits and slipped back to old ways

12. Synonyms for Backslidden include relapsed, regressed, retrogressed, reverted, slipped back, fallen back, reverted to a former state, reverted to old habits, slipped back to old ways and gone back to your old ways

13. Weekly evaporation values taken from a Class A pan are regressed against the Penman values and the regression coefficient of 0.8 is suggested as appropriate weighting for pan values in order to obtain actual rates.

Es werden wöchentliche Verdunstungssummen, die mit einer Class-A-Wanne gemessen wurden, in eine Regressionsbeziehung zu den Penman-Werten gebracht, und der Regressionskoeffizient von 0,8 wird als geeigneter Faktor für die Wannenwerte vorgeschlagen, um die tatsächlichen Verdunstungsmengen zu errechnen.

14. Therapy which pulls regressed and/or repressed memories into the forefront of one's consciousness in attempt to relieve pent up worry and anxiety. Abreaction: "Jonathan immediately felt as though a weight had been lifted off of him after his Abreaction therapy session."