reek in Germany

eek [riːk] Gestank, Rauch

Sentence patterns related to "reek"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reek" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reek", or refer to the context using the word "reek" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Their actions reek of corruption.

2. And your feet reek.

3. That reek is from the fox.

4. Where there's reek there's heat.

5. Historical best sellers reek with sentiment.

6. Reek His breath reeked of tobacco.

7. All of us reek of alcohol.

8. Well, because you reek of dishonesty.

9. That man's clothes reek of tobacco.

10. He smelt the reek of whisky.

11. A: Urgh , you reek of garlic!

12. Three showers and I still reek of burning oil.

13. The murderer's hands still reek with blood.

14. Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco?

15. Where have you been - you reek of alcohol?

16. The reek of ordure voided from all his clothing.

17. Reek, I have glad tidings for you. I am to be wed.

18. Misty it is still, glowing through clouds of dust and reek.

19. Like Reek. He smells of the grave, though, I grant you that.

20. Illidan Stormrage: Your reek of death, human. You'll regret approaching me.

21. The room was filled with the reek of stale beer and cigarettes.

22. I don't like incense perfumes . They just make good clothes reek of smoke.

23. Yes, she had lost her unerring sense for the reek of evil.

24. Ears ringing, he recovered himself and turned to peer through the reek.

25. Croagh Patrick, the conical peak known locally as the Reek, dominated the skyline.

26. He liked the smooth-featured, sharp-eyed man, despite the reek of sweat and exertion.

27. Now it stood clear: the reek of fish, and sandstone cut with a Presbyterian trowel.

28. But antidotes don't always work, which is why he wears roses that reek of perfume.

29. She took the wet gourd dipper from him, her nostrils wrinkling in distaste at the reek.

30. Those guys must be Bonged out—they reek of pot and have been laying on the couch all day.

31. His playmaking skills and determination on the pitch to destroy even the best attacks all reek of his talent .

32. They found it hard to Accustom themselves to the constant eye-watering reek of horse hair and human sweat.

33. The air was permeated by the odor of saddle soap and camp smoke, and the reek of musty human armpits and sour human breath.

34. Bloodline Lyrics: Eternal, the kiss I breathe / Siphon your blood to me / Feel my wounds of your God / Forever rape mortality / I smell of death, I reek of hate, I will live forever / Lost child

35. Beyond the microsong, it is characteristic of grindcore to have short songs in general; for example, Carcass' debut album Reek of Putrefaction (1988) consists of 22 tracks with an average length of 1 minute and 48 seconds.

36. Artistes Lyrics: What I'm searching for / To tell it straight, I'm trying to build a wall / Walking by myself / Down avenues that reek of time to kill / If you see me keep going / Be a pass by

37. Pont-L'Ablesse Zwakte Brug Pradelles Pradeels Quaëdypre Kwaadieper Quathove Kwaadhove Quesnoy-les-Deule Kiezenet Paris Parijs Picardy Picardië Recques Reek Renescure Ruisscheure Rexpoëde Rekspoede Roncq Ronk Rosendaël Rozendaal Roubaix Robaais, Robeke: Mainly Flemish Rubrouck Rubroek Ruth Rut Sainte-Marie-Cappel Sint Mariakappel Sainte

38. In a chaotic world I live Boom box blaring, glass clatters on the table I hear loud and clear That dreadful reek from the dried grass, inhaled by poor immatured lungs All that exists in this awful place, taken away by the bubbles A hellish place, unimaginable True enough it is real Thick-skinned beast Cachinnates,…