reconvened in Germany

econvened [riːkənviːnd] begann wiede

Sentence patterns related to "reconvened"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reconvened" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reconvened", or refer to the context using the word "reconvened" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The disarmament conference will be reconvened next month.

2. On 20 April, the Convocation reconvened to consider the revision of the Bishops' Book.

3. 10 Thus everything went smoothly when the peace conference reconvened at Michaelmas at Montlouis, between Tours and Amboise.

4. They came to a head in 1562 at the Council of Trent, reconvened after a ten-year break.

5. Congress has reconvened in a joint session to continue to count electoral votes after the Senate and House rejected objections to throw out Pennsylvania's votes for President-elect Joe Biden.

6. ‘Gosh, I'm Bushed and I still have to burn the midnight oil with you.’ ‘For the record, I'm pretty Bushed myself, and I think your ‘bed’ idea was a good one.’ ‘Dirty, cold, and Bushed, the TMS trio reconvened in the hotel restaurant.’

7. When the court reconvened on Monday, July 19, David Day presented copies of an affidavit that Adrian —too ill to appear in court— had prepared and signed stating his own wishes concerning the treatment of his cancer without blood or blood products.

Als das Gericht am Montag, dem 19. Juli, zum zweiten Mal zusammentrat, legte David Day Kopien einer eidlichen Erklärung vor, die Adrian — dem es zu schlecht ging, um selbst vor Gericht zu erscheinen — vorbereitet und unterschrieben hatte und in der er seine Wünsche hinsichtlich einer Krebstherapie ohne Blut oder Blutprodukte zum Ausdruck brachte.

8. Swan reports that "Bewildered campaign aides would look around the table at one another, silently asking what the hell was going on" before one person would "invariably shuffle out of the room." Every few minutes, another would follow until they all reconvened safely in Stepien's office down the hall