rebuilding in Germany

ebuilding [riːbildiŋ] erneuernd

Sentence patterns related to "rebuilding"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rebuilding" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rebuilding", or refer to the context using the word "rebuilding" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Rebuilding glossary cache

2. Rebuilding cache... done

3. Their political party is rebuilding.

4. Rebuilding the walls (1-32)

5. Rebuilding work three months later

6. The frenzy of rebuilding is now past.

7. Then we started a rebuilding process.

8. Rebuilding the area is a priority.

9. Support Coalfield Development in rebuilding the Appalachian economy

10. Braving: Rebuilding Trust with Brené Brown

11. She does a wonderful job rebuilding ecosystems.

12. I thought we were rebuilding trust, Coulson!

13. In addition, any rebuilding would be a colossal undertaking, and no rebuilding of above-the-ground structures has been approved.

14. Video caption: Beirut explosion: The architect rebuilding families' homes for free Beirut explosion: The architect rebuilding families' homes for free

15. Factors limiting rebuilding The absence of rebuilding is due to the current low productivity of the stock, along with fishing effort.

16. We've had over 1,500 volunteers rebuilding, rehabbing homes.

17. Rebuilding the damaged bridge will be painfully slow.

18. Hydrotechnical works at rebuilding of Piastowski Canal (Swinoujscie).

Hydtrotechnische Arbeiten beim Bauen des Schiffahrtskanals Piastowski (Swinemünde).

19. The agency has been rebuilding under new management.

20. I relish the challenge of rebuilding the club.

21. The constant rebuilding created an imposing tell, or city mound.

22. She is still rebuilding her life after the accident.

23. Carburetor Technology is a Carburetor rebuilding and service business

24. In Workshop on rebuilding abalone stocks in British Columbia.

25. In 1742 Elector Charles Theodore began rebuilding the Palace.

26. Nothing daunted, the people set about rebuilding their homes.

27. Well, I know that you've been rebuilding Central City at night.

28. Calcitonin helps control the breakdown and rebuilding of bone

29. Rebuilding of the upper levels is also a possibility.

30. Their story is how they are rebuilding their lives.

31. ♪ Of life rebuilding ♪ But mostly anger at myself.

32. After the earthquake, the people set about rebuilding their homes.

33. The ribbons bore the words remembrance, rebirth, renewal and rebuilding.

34. Biden Goals Converge in Asia: Rebuilding Alliances and Countering China

35. Our surveyor warned us that the house needed totally rebuilding.

36. Holford sketched a 10-year programme for rebuilding the city.

37. Calling the task rebuilding trust, I think, also gets things backwards.

38. The government should give top priority to rebuilding the inner cities.

39. More government money needs to go into rebuilding the inner cities.

40. The house needed totally rebuilding, so we decided against buying it.

41. October 29, Piazza Navona Rome: Rebuilding the incident, infiltrators and provocateurs.

29. Oktober, die Piazza Navona in Rom: Der Wiederaufbau des Vorfalls, Eindringlinge und Provokateure.

42. The villagers hurled all possible effort into rebuilding the bombed houses.

43. 9 Our surveyor warned us that the house needed totally rebuilding.

44. Crankshaft Supply has been repairing, rebuilding, and remanufacturing Crankshafts for over 70 years

45. Backcountry Accommodation The Alpine Club of Canada is rebuilding the Fay Hut (2005).

46. The people of Tokyo took up the enormous task of rebuilding their city.

47. Undaunted by the enormity of the task, they began rebuilding the village.

48. Rebuilding is a corrective measure, required because the clustering process is flawed.

49. The last work they did out there was just rebuilding the dam.

Die letzten Bauarbeiten dort waren der Neubau des Dammes.

50. Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung promised flood victims assistance in rebuilding .