reanimation in Germany

eanimation [riːænimeiʃən] neue Belebung

Sentence patterns related to "reanimation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reanimation" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reanimation", or refer to the context using the word "reanimation" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. As you said the first dozen times we attempted reanimation, Professor... and failed.

2. A reanimation team raced in, zapped the man with a defibrillator and pulled him out.

3. Aversions CROWN / XENOCIDE - With a loose conceptual framework at play across Xenocide's tales of destruction, revenge, reanimation and murder

4. Uses discard to gain card advantage & has typical Bolas themes such as creature control, reanimation, & …

5. But reanimation or simulation is an abjectly false hope that is beyond the promise of technology and is certainly impossible with the frozen, dead tissue offered by the “Cryonics” industry.

6. “That Nature Which Contemns Its Origin”: A Controversial Teachers’ Examination Sheds Light on Transformations in Iranian Islam1 Ze’ev Maghen Reanimation Mature religious systems tend to break more easily than they bend

7. I believe that it was primarily this “reanimation“ of the photographs kept in the museum of Auschwitz that Gérard Wajcman and Elisabeth Pagnoux, Didi-Huberman’s most acerbic critics found so disturbing.

Ich meine, dass es vor allem diese „Animation“ der im Museum von Auschwitz aufbewahrten Fotografien war, die Gérard Wajcman und Elisabeth Pagnoux, Didi-Hubermans schärfste KritikerInnen, verstört hat.