rated speed in Germany

ated speed [reitidspiːd] Nenndrehzahl

Sentence patterns related to "rated speed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rated speed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rated speed", or refer to the context using the word "rated speed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Fuel flow [g/h] and air/fuel ratio at rated speed and wide open throttle

Kraftstoffdurchfluss [g/h] und Luft-/Kraftstoff-Verhältnis bei Nenndrehzahl und weit geöffneter Drosselklappe

2. Engine description Emissions (g/kWh) No Date of certification Manufacturer Type/family Cooling medium No of cylinders Swept volume (cm#) Power (kW) Rated speed (min-#) Combustion Aftertreatment PT NOx CO HC Liquid or air. Abbreviate: DI = direct injection, PC = pre/swirl chamber, NA = natural aspirated, TC = turbocharged, TCA = turbocharged including aftercooling

Motorbeschreibung Emissionen (g/kWh) Lfd. Nr. Datum der Zertifizierung Hersteller Typ/Familie Kühlmittel Anzahl der Zylinder Gesamthubraum (cm#) Leistung (kW) Nenndrehzahl (min-#) Verbrennung Nachbehandlung PT NOx CO HC Flüssigkeit oder Luft. Zu verwendende Abkürzungen: DI = Direkteinspritzung, PC = Vor-/Wirbelkammer, NA = Saugmotor, TC = Turboaufladung, TCA = Turboaufladung mit Zwischenkühlung