raise to higher power in Germany

aise to higher power [reiztouhaiərpauər] potenziere

Sentence patterns related to "raise to higher power"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "raise to higher power" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "raise to higher power", or refer to the context using the word "raise to higher power" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. You tried to raise a non-number to a power, '%# '

2. They had the power to raise the revolt by using the demons

3. Every effort to mitigate the impact will encourage the dons to raise the tuitions ever higher.

4. We ought to strengthen study of knowledge, raise "social epistemology" to the higher plane of "knowledge science".

5. It required a Council of Trent to raise the whole conception of religious life to a higher level.

6. Pg 125 Worship: the devotion Accorded to a higher power or deity

7. He is the embattled president of a university seeking to raise its stature on the higher education landscape.

8. Access to visual memory will require less power than higher level functions.

9. With the semiconductor laser used widely, the requisition of its power is higher and higher.

10. Celebrate what you've accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.

11. Interlocking hands behind you, raise the arms 40 times, moving slightly higher with each count.

12. But then there was a higher power than I.

13. Conceptually, market power is the power to raise price above the competitive level and, at least in the short term, to obtain supra-normal profits

Der Begriff Marktmacht bezieht sich auf die Fähigkeit, Preise durchzusetzen, die über dem freien Marktpreis liegen, und-zumindest kurzfristig-höhere Gewinne als normal zu erzielen

14. Higher-power systems require taller chimneys and larger areas to heat the air

15. Conceptually, market power is the power to raise price above the competitive level and, at least in the short term, to obtain supra-normal profits.

Der Begriff Marktmacht bezieht sich auf die Fähigkeit, Preise durchzusetzen, die über dem freien Marktpreis liegen, und - zumindest kurzfristig - höhere Gewinne als normal zu erzielen.

16. The President of the Philippines has the power to raise the tax to 12% after 1 January 2006.

17. May these quotes inspire you to become a more Compassionate individual so that you raise your character to a higher level

18. 21 Celebrate what you've accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.

19. The Archimedes screw, or screw pump, is a machine that can raise water from a lower to a higher level

20. However, DISOMS are reluctant sign Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) Hydro Power due to higher tariff, particularly, in the initial years.

21. In a year there are 365 days, so to Annualise 1% we would raise it to the power 365

22. Believing in a higher power means shifting the emphasis off yourself

23. • He accepted that emperorship was responsible and that he was Answerable to a higher power

24. Without concerted international action, that alone would raise greenhouse-gas emissions about 50 percent higher than current levels.

25. A method of transmitting higher power from a satellite by more efficiently using the existing satellite power amplifiers