radiotherapy in Germany

adiotherapy [reidiəuθerəpiː] Strahlenbehandlung, Strahlentherapie

Sentence patterns related to "radiotherapy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "radiotherapy" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "radiotherapy", or refer to the context using the word "radiotherapy" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Although radiotherapy may decrease the incidence of the gustatory sweating syndrome, it still may recur after radiotherapy.

2. Accelerated radiotherapy delivery has recently been shown to be effective in overcoming repopulation during fractionated radiotherapy.

Die Wirksamkeit der akzelerierten Bestrahlung in bezug auf die Bewältigung der Tumorzellrepopulation während einer Radiotherapie ist vor kurzem nachgewiesen worden.

3. We compared treatment outcomes of two-dimensional radiotherapy (2D-RT), three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT), and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC).

Wir verglichen die Behandlungsergebnisse von zweidimensionaler Strahlentherapie (2D-RT), dreidimensionaler konformer Strahlentherapie (3D-CRT) und intensitätsmodulierter Strahlentherapie (IMRT) bei Patienten mit Nasopharynxkarzinom (NPC).

4. Radiotherapy system with advanced graphical user interface

5. Brachytherapy is a type of internal radiotherapy

6. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are forms of Cytotoxic therapy

7. The skin irradiated was pigmentation after radiotherapy.

8. Proton accelerator is the most advanced radiotherapy equipment.

9. Brachytherapy causes similar side effects to external beam radiotherapy

10. Medical devices for dosimetry purposes in the field of radiotherapy

Medizinische Geräte für die Dosismessung auf dem Gebiet der Strahlentherapie

11. After radiotherapy the nasal tumor was completely relieved, but the patient experienced numbness and Amyosthenia in the right upper extremity one week after completion of radiotherapy

12. A refinement of this technique is continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy (CHART), in which a high dose of radiotherapy is given in a short time period.

13. Radiotherapy for basal cell carcinoma of the medial Canthus region

14. Acute, radiotherapy-related complications grade 3/4 were not observed.

Akute, bestrahlungsbedingte Nebenwirkungen Grad 3/4 wurden nicht gesehen.

15. 7 Preoperative radiotherapy did not change the percentage of curative resections.

16. The indication for adjuvant radiotherapy differed: Despite of radical compartimentai resection adjuvant radiotherapy was performed in 39% of the cases; after wide-excision of high-grade tumors, however, in 45% of the cases no adjuvant radiotherapy seemed to be necessary.

Trotz radikaler Kompartmentresektion kam die adjuvante Strahlentherapie in 39% zur Anwendung; hingegen wurde auf sie nach weiter Exzision von high-grade Tumoren in 45% verzichtet.

17. Researchers are fine-tuning radiotherapy to improve the outcomes for patients .

18. Conclusion: PrDlonged treatment time adversely edict outcome of radiotherapy for NSCLC.

19. Routine posttreatment surveillance is recommended after adjuvant radiotherapy for stage I seminoma.

Nach adjuvanter Strahlentherapie von Seminompatienten im Stadium I wird eine Nachsorge empfohlen, systematische Studien für diese Empfehlungen fehlen jedoch.

20. Having Brachytherapy with external beam radiotherapy may make some side effects more severe

21. Radiotherapy is also occasionally used to kill cancer cells in the pelvic area .

22. AbstractFrom 1954 to 1989 [], 363 patients with acromegaly were treated by radiotherapy.

23. Conclusion: Radiotherapy with 30 Gy for symptomatic vertebral angioma as primary therapy is indicated.

Schlußfolgerung: Wir empfehlen eine Bestrahlung von 30 Gy bei symptomatischen Angiomen als primäre Therapie.

24. A scrap- metal dealer handled highly radioactive cesium powder from a discarded radiotherapy machine.

25. Magnetic resonance imaging system and radiotherapy apparatus with an adjustable axis of rotation

26. Shrinkage measured by 3D-MRI was greater at longer time intervals after radiotherapy.

Die relative, mittels 3D-MRT gemessene Tumorverkleinerung nahm mit längerem Zeitintervall nach Strahlentherapie zu.

27. Protection of normal tissue against radiation-induced damage may increase the therapeutic ratio of radiotherapy.

Der Ansatz, Normalgewebszellen gegen bestrahlungsinduzierte Schäden zu schützen, kann möglicherweise die therapeutische Breite strahlentherapeutischer Ansätze erhöhen.

28. * “Once the tumor was surgically removed,” says her husband, Steve, “Kim underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

29. Alignment of the coordinate systems of external beam radiotherapy amd magnetic resonance imaging systems

30. Brachytherapy is a type of radiotherapy, or radiation treatment, offered to certain cancer patients

31. The option of radiotherapy for the treatment of intrameatal acoustic neurinomas should be considered.

Alternativ kann eine Bestrahlung diskutiert werden.

32. Modalities of radiotherapy, surgery, internal medical, and oncology must be applied contingent on individual prognostic factors.

Dabei müssen strahlentherapeutische, operative und internistisch-onkologische Modalitäten abhängig von individuellen prognostischen Faktoren eingesetzt werden.

33. 20 Objective To research the efficiency of radiotherapy combined with local hyperthermia for the tonsil carcinoma.

34. Stereotactic radiotherapy is usually recommended in cases involving fewer than three small secondary brain tumors.

35. Objective To research the efficiency of radiotherapy combined with local hyperthermia for the tonsil carcinoma.

36. Cobalt-60 (Co-60 or 60Co) is a radioactive metal that is used in radiotherapy.

37. Mrs Stoneman, faced an agonising choice when doctors said the radiotherapy tripled the odds in his favour.

38. We conclude that an individually adjusted postoperative radiotherapy allows a well tolerated treatment with excellent results.

Der Verzicht auf eine postoperative Strahlentherapie ist nach unserer Auffassung derzeit nicht angebracht und sollte sehr sorgfältig begründet werden.

39. By using 3D-MRI in almost all patients undergoing radiotherapy of a meningioma, tumor shrinkage is detected.

Durch die Verwendung der 3D-MRT kann in nahezu allen Meningeomen nach stereotaktischer Strahlentherapie eine Größenreduktion beobachtet werden.

40. He only experienced discrete hair regrowth in the occipital region with folliculitis 12 months after radiotherapy.

Lediglich in der Okzipitalregion kam es zu einem diskreten Haarwuchs, welcher mit einer leichten Follikulitis einherging.

41. 26 Initially symptoms were well controlled after radiotherapy but the mucus discharge became troublesome again after two months.

42. The wide range of AMRR healing reflects individual potential of mucosa recovery with longer duration for accelerated radiotherapy.

Die breite Spanne bei der Heilungszeit spiegelt das individuelle Potential der Schleimhautregeneration wieder, mit einem längeren Heilungsprozess bei beschleunigter Strahlentherapie.

43. Objective To evaluate the effect of three dimensional conformable radiotherapy ( 3 D - CRT ) on advanced cervical cancer.

44. 19 Mrs Stoneman, faced an agonising choice when doctors said the radiotherapy tripled the odds in his favour.

45. This would produce exponential curves, which do not fit the data, particularly in the first 3 months after radiotherapy.

46. 30 The optimal treatment for male breast cancer is modified radical mastectomy combined with radiotherapy, chemotherapy and endocrine therapy.

47. In spite of less radical treatment in tumours of the trunk, additional radiotherapy was not more frequently performed.

Obwohl bei Tumoren des Körperstamms die Radikalität des operativen Eingriffs geringer war, kam eine ergänzende Strahlentherapie nicht häufiger zum Einsatz.

48. Two patients with hearing loss, vertigo and the diagnosis of acoustic neuromas by MRI scan were referred for radiotherapy.

Es werden zwei Patienten mit Hörverlust und Schwindel beschrieben, welche mit der kernspintomographisch gestellten Diagnose Akustikusneurinom zur Strahlentherapie vorgestellt wurden (Abbildungen 1 und 2).

49. As for definitive treatment, retrospective studies suggest that ADT plus radiotherapy improves overall survival compared with ADT alone.

Retrospektive Studien deuten darauf hin, dass eine ADT plus Strahlentherapie als definitive Therapie das Gesamtüberleben im Vergleich zur alleinigen ADT verbessert.

50. The beta-decaying isotope 106 of ruthenium is used in radiotherapy of eye tumors, mainly malignant melanomas of the uvea.