questions of law in Germany

questions of law [kwestʃənzɔflɔː] Rechtsfrage

Sentence patterns related to "questions of law"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "questions of law" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "questions of law", or refer to the context using the word "questions of law" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Questions of military strategy, geopolitics and morality loom large, but so do questions of law.

2. Amicus curiae, (Latin: “friend of the court”), one who assists the court by furnishing information or advice regarding questions of law or fact

3. His role is of an adviser and the prosecutor and accused are at all times entitled to his opinion on questions of law both inside and outside the court .

4. The State party points out that the European Court of Human Rights has affirmed that States parties retain the right to determine the means for the exercise of the right to review, and may restrict such review to questions of law.

5. 61 As to the remainder, in so far as the arguments set out in paragraphs 50 to 52 of the present judgment allege an error of law with regard to the assessment of the question whether MasterCard is an association of undertakings, it should be noted that, contrary to the Commission’s contention, the appellants are not, in essence, merely challenging the assessment of the facts made at first instance, but are relying, for the main part, on questions of law which are admissible at the appeal stage.

61 Soweit schließlich mit dem in den Rn. 50 bis 52 des vorliegenden Urteils wiedergegebenen Vorbringen ein Rechtsirrtum bei der Prüfung der Frage, ob MasterCard eine Unternehmensvereinigung ist, geltend gemacht wird, ist festzustellen, dass sich die Rechtsmittelführerinnen entgegen dem Vorbringen der Kommission nicht darauf beschränken, im Wesentlichen die im ersten Rechtszug vorgenommene Tatsachenwürdigung in Frage zu stellen, sondern vielmehr grundlegende Rechtsfragen aufwerfen, die im Rechtsmittelverfahren zulässig sind.