puking in Germany

puking [pjuːkiŋ] erbrechend

Sentence patterns related to "puking"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "puking" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "puking", or refer to the context using the word "puking" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He was puking up blood, " she says.

2. I was getting sick. Puking.

3. Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.

4. When we say sick we mean puking.

5. She responded by puking all over my face.

6. At first the infant, mewing and puking in the nurse's arms.

7. That's why you're puking and you can't stand up without screaming.

8. Use Bottle of Antiemetic on the puking dude in the YOIDORE bathroom

9. When not thinking about puking your guts up round every hairpin bend, scenery magnificent.

10. Suddenly I start puking into the road, but nothing comes up except this slimy stuff.

11. Synonyms for Barfing include sickness, vomiting, retching, airsickness, carsickness, gagging, nausea, puking, seasickness and travel-sickness

12. The puking, she was told, was part of the detox (which feels much worse if you're a caffeine addict).

13. Allopathic Methods of Treatment Allopaths used bleeding, leeching, cupping, blistering, purging, puking, poulticing and rubbing with toxic ointments to treat their patients

14. "Some people were puking, some people were crying, other people were in shock ... everybody was running, screaming off the bus, " Mr Caton said.

15. Barfing AND PUKING EXPLOSION!That time barfed all over me! I think he drank a little too much pool water! Have you ever puked in public?#stowedstuff #stoweds

16. Our state of inebriation was such that all he would have got for his money was a bit of snoring possibly interrupted by puking, so we declined out of courtesy.

17. Vomiting (also known as puking, throwing up, Barfing, emesis, among other names) is the involuntary, forceful expulsion of the contents of one's stomach through the mouth and sometimes the nose.

18. Someone with a guitar here, someone making love there, someone smoking a joint, someone puking his brains out, the din of the music you could hear over all of this—a bombardment of the senses.

19. Jenny McCarthy’s best-selling Belly laughs reveals all the joys and sweet discoveries of being pregnant, from puking bouts and hormonal rage to hemorrhoids, pregnant sex, and big ol’ granny underpants.McCarthy draws from her own difficult pregnancy to discuss every stage of expectant motherhood in vivid, sometimes excruciating—and excruciatingly funny—detail.