priestly in Germany

priestly [priːstliː] priesterlich

Sentence patterns related to "priestly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "priestly" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "priestly", or refer to the context using the word "priestly" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Priestly garments (1-5)

2. Why is priestly celibacy unscriptural?

3. The Sadducees were the priestly caste.

4. Priestly robes hang on the walls.

5. A man in priestly clothes offered spiritual guidance.

6. ME < LL(Ec) Clericalis, clerical, priestly < clericus: see clerk

7. In a well-documented report on the priestly ministry, Msgr.

8. Anglicanly Speaking Priestly Observations from two priests in the Anglican Church

9. 12, 13. (a) What purifying has been necessary for the anointed priestly class?

10. But money itself is a slippery concept, clouded in priestly mystery.

11. The Ambo were originally ruled by hereditary kings who performed priestly functions

12. They conclude that Christ’s priestly ministry in heaven consists of two phases.

13. The Augures formed a priestly college separate from that of the pontifices.

14. They also include rules on tithing, priestly portions, gleanings, and Sabbath years.

15. He is assisted in his priestly functions by his sons, Hophni and Phinehas.

16. No more government favor to priestly hierarchies or persecution for those who disagreed!

17. Down through history the priestly class has been the willing accomplice of the ruling elite.

18. An aged priestly warrior towered up, august and formidable, with his hand upon his dagger.

19. Fundamentalism is radically anti - catholic in its refusal to accept any form of priestly mediation.

20. An Archpriest (or Archpriestess) is a high-ranking person in priestly hierarchy, but lower than hierarch

21. Then Olivia and her brother, dressed in their priestly robes, pour libations into the holy well.

22. When he became unbalanced in his thinking, he arrogantly tried to usurp certain priestly duties.

23. High Priest Joshua (whom Greek-speaking Jews called “Jesus”) pictured Jesus Christ in his priestly functions.

24. Applications in these sectors have been worked out by a priestly class of computer-wise people.

25. Among the ancient Israelites, the burning of incense figured prominently in priestly duties at the tabernacle.

26. But the priestly role was not finished, and their equally sacred duty of reading and explaining the law remained.

27. Over the next few weeks, Father Maier was occupied more with the political than with the priestly.

28. One man is Bynamed Levi, the Jewish priestly caste, and others are identified by a family relationship

29. Being of the tribe of Judah, he could never render priestly or Levitical service at the temple.

Da er aus dem Stamm Juda war, konnte er weder Priester- noch Levitendienste im Tempel verrichten.

30. Although he was king over Jehovah’s people, he was not authorized to serve in any priestly capacity.

31. After warfare, the warriors required purification by the priestly class before participants could reintegrate into normal village life.

32. 42] Moreover, a man's consecration in priestly celibacy or in the religious state is to be understood analogously.

42] Im übrigen ist auch die Weihe des Mannes im priesterlichen Zölibat oder im Ordensstand ähnlich zu verstehen.

33. (Nu 16:41-50) Thereafter, Aaron’s priestly position was confirmed by the budding of his rod. —Nu 17.

Danach wurde Aarons priesterliche Stellung durch das Sprossen seines Stabes bestätigt (4Mo 17).

34. The Levites receive 48 cities, 13 of which are priestly cities; 6 cities of refuge are set aside

35. A flood of news reports about priestly pedophilia had inflamed Catholics' concern about the integrity of their clergy.

36. Es la medida de nuestra actividad Curial y sacerdotal.: It is the yardstick for our Curial and priestly work

37. Augurs in ancient Rome, one of the oldest priestly bodies, which interpreted the will of the gods by means of auspices

38. The Law covenant, including the priestly decree to offer holy incense, ended when Christ inaugurated the new covenant in 33 C.E.

39. Luke gives the example of the seven sons of Sceva —members of a priestly family— who sought to do this.

40. Three years later Menelaus, who may not have been of the priestly line, offered a higher bribe, and Jason fled.

41. The vast majority of the populace accepted its fate as willed by the gods and interpreted by the priestly hierarchy.

42. This somewhat unexpected decision gave ammunition to those who felt the schema on priestly life was too spiritual in tone.

43. A principal concern of the King-Priest Jesus Christ and his associate priestly rulers is to bring all humankind into unity with Jehovah God.

44. Actaeon (; Ancient Greek: Ἀκταίων), in Greek mythology, son of the priestly herdsman Aristaeus and Autonoe in Boeotia, was a famous Theban hero

45. The practice of priestly Celibacy is viewed with suspicion, he explained, because Protestants are unfamiliar with it and it seems unnatural

46. A Beguine is a female priestly unit resembling a shepherdess; she is available at the Guild Hall as a Flemish unique unit

47. • The most popular Benediction originates in the Jewish faith and is known as the " Priestly Blessing " (Numbers 6:23-27).

48. 494 bc), the sanctuary was in the charge of the Branchids, a priestly caste named after Branchus, a favourite youth of Apollo

49. According to their Ability they gave to the treasury for the work 61,000 gold drachmas and 5,000 silver minas and 100 priestly garments

50. The Breastplate (choshen) was one of the eight priestly garments worn by the high priest (kohen gadol) when serving in the Holy Temple