prevalent in Germany

prevalent [prevələnt] vorherrschend

Sentence patterns related to "prevalent"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prevalent" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prevalent", or refer to the context using the word "prevalent" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Crypt files became prevalent in …

2. ‘Areligious rationalism was the prevalent trend’

3. Is malaria still prevalent among the populationhere?

4. In other countries, Aldermen are more prevalent

5. Eye disease is prevalent in some places.

6. Prevalent conservation orthodoxy advocates protection through production.

7. Commonest (adj) - Occurring, found, or done often; prevalent

8. Hence, Ambuscades against the government troops are prevalent

9. Abram rejected the idolatry so prevalent in Ur

10. Flippant, sarcastic, and unclean speech are also prevalent.

11. Two philosophies are especially prevalent among kindergarten teachers.

12. Tuberculosis and malnutrition were prevalent, as was rickets.

13. The Contrapositive of the Apriori property (in the context of chemical-subject data) is that all subsets of a prevalent combination are also prevalent. A method for identifying prevalent chemical combinations in the U.S

14. Hoarding and barter trade are once again prevalent.

15. Flu is most prevalent during the winter months.

16. Advertising Boycotts have also been prevalent on radio

17. How has dishonesty become more prevalent in marriage?

18. Why, you may wonder, is blindness so prevalent?

19. Poverty and illiteracy were prevalent on the island.

20. How prevalent is vice in the business world?

21. This situation is prevalent in the car market.

22. Solvent abuse is especially prevalent among younger teenagers.

23. These diseases are more prevalent among young children.

24. It was monotonically critical of certain prevalent social practices.

25. 6 The infringement of right to privacy is prevalent.

26. The trend is particularly prevalent among migratory birds.

27. Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans.

28. 14 Two philosophies are especially prevalent among kindergarten teachers.

29. So, what makes repetition so uniquely prevalent in music?

30. The Neogothlic architectural style is prevalent on the campus.

31. This belief is more prevalent among men than women.

32. The disease is even more prevalent in Latin America.

33. Amosite asbestos was also prevalent throughout the shipyard industry

34. Above 8 the toxic form becomes increasingly more prevalent.

35. The prevalent view is that interest rates will fall.

36. Feeding problems are more prevalent among low birth-weight babies.

37. Ameba, ancylostoma and ascaris were prevalent among the rural population.

Amoeben, Ankylostomen und Askariden wurden bevorzugt bei der ländlichen Bevölkerung nachgewiesen.

38. Racism in Thailand is a prevalent but little discussed topic.

39. The habit of travelling by aeroplane is becoming more prevalent.

40. Bigamy was prevalent from time immemorial in different religions

41. The latter is more prevalent than you might think.

42. The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among these people.

43. Each dedicated Christian should strive to avoid the prevalent ungodly views.

44. Verb Conjugations are prevalent to achieve grammatical functions in Korean

45. Asthenicus,” or constitutional asthenia, has since then also become prevalent

46. 14 Tuberculosis and malnutrition were prevalent,( as was rickets.

47. This condition is more prevalent in women than in men.

48. Terpenoids are more prevalent in some arid or semiarid climates.

49. We will reduce the friction that is prevalent in many families.

50. Desire, passion, family, and identity are among Almodóvar's most prevalent themes.